Zhibek's latest activity

  • Z
    Zhibek replied to the thread My ideas.
    "When a photon passes near to an electron, the electron absorbs the photon and gains the energy that the photon carried. " i read about...
  • Z
    Zhibek replied to the thread My ideas.
    String theory is connected with gravity? Dimensions connected with strings and strings have charge it means that strings are connected...
  • Z
    Zhibek replied to the thread My ideas.
    Photons can travel into wormhole through gravitational waves? Because photons are affected by gravity.People can use photons for hacking...
  • Z
    Zhibek replied to the thread My ideas.
    wormhole is a hypothetical structure which connects disparate points in spacetime. It may be visualized as a tunnel with two ends at...
  • Z
    Zhibek replied to the thread My ideas.
    People can use ionization of atoms to take electron from another ship for hacking ship's computer system".Ionization can result from the...
  • Z
    Zhibek replied to the thread My ideas.
    How to make objects invisible: use materials which make reflection of light
  • Z
    Zhibek replied to the thread My ideas.
    How to make a perpetual motion machine:"electricity a type of energy that consists of the movement of electrons between two points when...
  • Z
    Zhibek replied to the thread My ideas.
    If dimensions have strong gravitational field can our dimension feel them ? Is it possible to hack internet of other dimension through...
  • Z
    Zhibek replied to the thread My ideas.
    and in particular as measured by radiometry, radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic[1] and gravitational radiation. And...
  • Z
    Zhibek replied to the thread My ideas.
  • Z
    Zhibek replied to the thread My ideas.
    "Photons have no mass, but they are nonetheless affected by gravity due to the bending of spacetime itself. "In one paper it is said...
  • Z
    Zhibek replied to the thread My ideas.
    Because photon is electromagnetic particle and neurons emit electrical charge
  • Z
    Zhibek replied to the thread My ideas.
    As i said previeously photon can be used with connection with the electrical charge of neurons. If photon is connected with radio waves...
  • Z
    Zhibek replied to the thread My ideas.
    and in particular as measured by radiometry, radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic[1] and gravitational radiation. Electron is...
  • Z
    Zhibek replied to the thread My ideas.
    How to destroy a machine. The motion of a free electron (for example, one that is unbound to an atom) may produce X-rays if the...