Recent content by Zymoticus

  1. Zymoticus

    Giveaway This Month's Giveaway is All About Mars and Perseverance! - Winner Announced!

    The next planet I'd like to see explored is Pluto - and yes, it's a planet, dammit. 😠 'Had no idea there was likely an ocean beneath its ice, but yeah. An ocean! And I'm thinking it'd be a really cool place (pun if you want one,) for some serious winter sports like snowmobiling and slow-mo...
  2. Zymoticus

    Billionaire hosts girlfriend contest for 'first woman to the moon' and (shocker) people hate it

    This is your, Zatguyz', projection of your own perception, on someone who has shown exactly zero evidence of what that jaded perception tries to portray. In principle, what Maezawa is doing here is no different than posting his profile on an online dating site and saying "If we click, I want to...
  3. Zymoticus

    Billionaire hosts girlfriend contest for 'first woman to the moon' and (shocker) people hate it

    The sad comedy in this avalanche of derision - directed at what should be getting enthusiastic kudos for an incredibly positive romantic gesture - lies in what it reveals about the comically-misnamed "feminists" (they're more accurately termed "masculinists,") who are throwing their bitter...