cosmic microwave background

Forum discussion tagged with cosmic microwave background.
  1. marcin

    Both spatially and temporally flat universe expansion caused by the decrease of CMB energy leads straight to CCC

    I thought I couldn't post it as text because of the amount of links, but after removing 95% of them I had the same problem, so I'm posting the screenshot and appending the link to the original post on WordPress. My "physical" cause of the transition between the cycles is mathematical...
  2. Captain Nemesis

    Universe evolution - my view based on all the data I have gathered so far

    I have been contemplating Universe origins for a past few years. Even when we are not conscious our mind, filled with all the knowledge we have collected, works in the background. Yesterday, I received the answer which I will reveal to the general audience here and now. First I want to thank...
  3. O

    CMB as light wave RESONANCE ie wave background not ancient remnant of light from a big bang

    Today as I continued work on the Unified Field theory which solves the double slit experiment using a new formula and the principle of 3 dimensional time at the quantum level I realised that the CMB is not ancient light remnants it is the resonance of light waves passing through the space time...