frank martin dimeglio

Forum discussion tagged with frank martin dimeglio.
  1. Frank Martin DiMeglio

    The fact that gravity/acceleration involves what is balanced inertia (and/or inertial resistance) is fully consistent with F=ma and E=mc2

    The fact that gravity/acceleration involves what is balanced inertia (and/or inertial resistance) is fully consistent with F=ma and E=mc2. Time is necessarily possible/potential and actual on/in balance, as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy IS GRAVITY. The fourth spatial dimension is consistent with time...
  2. Frank Martin DiMeglio

    Why is there something instead of nothing in conjunction with time and the fourth spatial dimension?

    UNDERSTANDING TIME AND TIME DILATION IN CONJUNCTION WITH UNDERSTANDING HOW AND WHY ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy IS GRAVITY: First, consider why and how it is that there is something instead of nothing. Now, we proceed !!!! Consider what is the eye. (What is E=MC2 is consistent with wave-particle...