hamptons observatory

Forum discussion tagged with hamptons observatory.
  1. Hamptons Observatory

    Understanding Auroras (A Free, Virtual Lecture)

    On February 20th at 7:00 PM, ET, Hamptons Observatory will present a free, virtual lecture by a NASA space physicist and leader of a citizen science project that’s dedicated to understanding auroras. Dr. Elizabeth MacDonald will discuss auroras, what they are, how they are studied, and how you...
  2. Hamptons Observatory

    Dava Sobel: "The Elements of Marie Curie" (A Free, Hybrid Lecture & Star Party)

    On January 13th at 6:00 PM, ET, acclaimed author and Pulitzer Prize finalist, Dava Sobel, will give a free, hybrid lecture about her new book that brings to life an inspiring, historic figure: “The Elements of Marie Curie: How the Glow of Radium Lit a Path for Women in Science.” Following her...
  3. Hamptons Observatory

    Winter Stargazing: A Journey Through the Night Sky (A Free, Hybrid Event)

    On December 20th at 6:30 PM, ET, NASA Solar System Ambassador & Hamptons Observatory's Senior Educator, William Francis Taylor, MSc, will present a free, hybrid lecture, “Winter Stargazing: A Journey Through the Night Sky.” The talk will be held at the South Fork Natural History Museum...
  4. Hamptons Observatory

    "What's Up in the Summer Sky?" (A Free, Hybrid Event)

    Hamptons Observatory and the South Fork Natural History Museum are pleased to announce that on Thursday, June 27th at 7:30 PM, NASA Solar System Ambassador & Hamptons Observatory's Senior Educator, William Francis Taylor, MSc, will present a free, hybrid lecture, “What’s Up in the Summer Sky?”...