refractional redshift

Forum discussion tagged with refractional redshift.
  1. M

    Why is the redshift of high energy rays emmited by blackholes the same as the redshift of its host Galaxy ?

    I have made an inquiry on chatgpt into the redshift of gamma rays emmited by black holes and turns out it is exactly the same redshift that light waves emmited by its host galaxy have, which is considered to be a cosmological redshift. This redshift equality between them implies that the...
  2. M

    NASA confuses gravitational redshift with refractional redshift First, the analogy with a person running up an escalator that is going down and the energy thereof is explained by newtonian physics and has nothing to do with general relativity. The analogy...
  3. M

    An introduction to Refractional redshift, and how it was confused with gravitational redshift

    An introduction to Refractional redshift, and how it was confused with gravitational redshift Marius L. Vasile @ Vasile effect In this article I will prove that refraction causes a redshift, which I cleverly named Refractional redshift, and that this redshift was not so cleverly confused with...