space colonization

Forum discussion tagged with space colonization.
  1. X

    Space Race 2.0

    I believe that as humans, we have to mine on the Moon and elsewhere in space; must research and develop a warp/Alcubierre-drive; should develop antigravity technology to easily lift off any location—hopefully with minimal resource usage—to build larger and more efficient spaceships; assemble...
  2. thespacewiredowns

    Over 14,000 satellites,120 mn pieces of debris crowding Earth orbit

    Over 14,000 satellites and 120 million pieces of debris from launches and collisions surround the globe in low Earth orbit, data from US-based Slingshot Aerospace showed. A UN panel called for a shared database of orbital objects and an international framework to track and manage them. The rapid...
  3. CreatedEvolution

    Atmospheric nitrogen

    Nitrogen supports life. Where does all this nitrogen come from? According to google it’s from the young planets formation. I believe this to be wrong. I have had this idea that there is actually abundant matter inside the suns gravitational reach. This could explain the abundant amount of...
  4. h2forge

    Can I ask someone to rebuttal my argument against human space flight?

    Hello, would someone be interested in providing arguments defending human spaceflight vs unmanned spaceflight? I'm on team unmanned. I'm leaving out difficult questions like cost and danger since these are hard to base arguments around. These are just some arguments I hear companies like NASA...
  5. Malibu Spacey

    Is it possible for us to discover habitable planets close to us?

    I’m a writer and currently writing a book that involves space travel to a potentially habitable planet. I’ve done lots of research of potentially habitable planets that we are already aware of and I am aware that scientists believe there to be billions of planets in the Milky Way alone. What...