space travel

Forum discussion tagged with space travel.
  1. CreatedEvolution

    Oumuamua observation

    The last time the comet passed by I had a realization in physics but I’m not sure what it is called. When you move 100 pounds in a straight line 100 feet. You get a lot of x amount of force that would push on the object. Now when you spiral that line only reaching 100 feet but 200 feet of path...
  2. CreatedEvolution

    Electromagnetic field kite

    This theory involves our theory of gravity to be close to correct much like a scientific calculator. While 1/3 is always 1/3 u cannot state this as .33 repeating the answer will never equate. In my chemistry theory the earths magnetic field keeps gravity from falling in by magnetic push from...
  3. CreatedEvolution

    Magnetic launch assist

    I noticed that they do have some crafts that actually start to take off on a track. I am wondering if space x uses magnetic propulsion to reach speeds of japans magnetic train before lift off. Would a deep magnetic silo cut costs for rocket propulsion? The initial magnetic propulsion can push...
  4. CreatedEvolution

    Nebular theory and chemistry

    The origins of earth is thought to come from a cloud of dust. I believe with understanding the chemistry of stars and their age. You will be able to locate where planets are and their make up. This is due to over the stars life it keeps burning elements even vaporizing metals. After a period of...
  5. CreatedEvolution

    Teslas anti gravity device

    Was teslas anti gravity device a electromagnetic field kite or just high voltage flows of electrons? If you can harness the earths electromagnetic field for flight, then rotating EMFs at a fast speed on top a layer of stationary EMFs might give us a vortex of fast moving emf that creates lift...
  6. A

    Question RHU Technology : how to implement them in rover or spacecrafts ?

    Hello everyone, I'm currently a student in an Aeronautic School in Paris, France. I would like to know if one of you knows some stuff about Radio Isotopic Heater (RHU - Radioisotopic Heat Unit) to heat component during cold nights in space or lunar missions (mainly electronic components) and...
  7. akashrao

    voyager 1 and voyager 2

    we know of the famous voyager spacecraft which flew out in 2 editions - 1 and 2 in 1977 ... they carry human voice and form to be found in interstellar space should they come across an alien life out there ... where are the 2 spacecraft now? how rich that their services were to our...