
Forum discussion tagged with tesla.
  1. CreatedEvolution

    Photon theory

    I know I’m over doing it on questioning theories. Questioning the uncertain fascinates me. I have always thought that sunlight was a form of electricity. If light was massless would it not pass through all atoms of the earth not just some of them. I like my observation of light bending in a...
  2. CreatedEvolution

    Copper in a flow of electrons

    This may be more for sci-fi but perhaps someone can find some light in my theory. I was having an alcoholic beverage one night and the question crossed my mind would humankind be able to shoot down an alien craft. That was my set goal was to theorize how to shoot down armored technology. I...
  3. CreatedEvolution

    Electromagnetic field kite

    This theory involves our theory of gravity to be close to correct much like a scientific calculator. While 1/3 is always 1/3 u cannot state this as .33 repeating the answer will never equate. In my chemistry theory the earths magnetic field keeps gravity from falling in by magnetic push from...
  4. CreatedEvolution

    Orbitting farmlands

    Will we ever have orbiting farmlands? I consider the depths of space to be limitless while underground farming would be limited. I have watched all the videos and so far they do not mass produce crops from what I seen. My theory is there is a population crisis. The population was 2 billion 50...
  5. CreatedEvolution

    Atmospheric nitrogen

    Nitrogen supports life. Where does all this nitrogen come from? According to google it’s from the young planets formation. I believe this to be wrong. I have had this idea that there is actually abundant matter inside the suns gravitational reach. This could explain the abundant amount of...
  6. CreatedEvolution

    Teslas anti gravity device

    Was teslas anti gravity device a electromagnetic field kite or just high voltage flows of electrons? If you can harness the earths electromagnetic field for flight, then rotating EMFs at a fast speed on top a layer of stationary EMFs might give us a vortex of fast moving emf that creates lift...