5,000 exoplanets! NASA confirms big milestone for planetary science

"The exoplanet revolution is well underway."

That is a good description. This site now reports 5005 exoplanets confirmed, NASA Exoplanet Archive (caltech.edu)

4035 of the exoplanets orbit 0.73 au or closer to their host star. This is where we see Venus in our solar system and closer. Many have large masses too, the average mass size is 1.27 Jupiter masses and the largest is 28.5 Jupiter masses. I read various reports on the postulated, protoplanetary disk in our solar system where Mercury thru Mars formed. Generally a hot inner accretion disk that creates smaller, rocky terrestrial planets like what we see today. However, looking at 4035 exoplanets moving around their parent stars as close as Venus here or even closer, numerous exceptions can be seen to the *hot inner accretion disk* postulate.

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