A car-sized asteroid will pass really, really close to Earth

Dec 1, 2021
A newly discovered space rock will harmlessly pass by Earth today. Still, at less than a tenth the distance to the moon, asteroid 2024 GJ2 will miss the planet by the skin of its teeth.

A car-sized asteroid will pass really, really close to Earth : Read more
Hhhmmm, a few Earth radii, new definition of really, really close . . . And even if it hit us, something that sized would end up like the remains of Bart's Comet on the Simpsons, about the size of a walnut, bonking a small dog on the noggin. And with about a 0.1% chance of landing anywhere near a city. The probability of it landing within spitting distance of a person is literally billions to 1 or less. This is a headline you see in those pathetic British newspapers.

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