Murray J. B. * Muller J.-P. Neukum G. Werner S. C. Hauber E. Markiewicz W. J. Head J. W. III Foing B. H. Page D. Mitchell K. L. Portyankina G. HRSC Investigator Team. <br />Evidence from HRSC Mars Express for a Frozen Sea Close to Mars’ Equator [#1741]. <br />"We present evidence for a presently-existing frozen sea, with surface pack-ice, at 5°N, 150°E, age ca. 5 million years. It measures ca. 800 × 900 km and averages ca. 45 m deep. It has probably been protected from complete sublimation by ash and a sublimation lag of exposed sediment." ftp://www.lpi.usra.edu/pub/outgoing/lpsc2005/full97.pdf <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>