That calculator gives me a radius of 0.00007426 millimeter for Bill's asteroid mass black hole.
So, Bill's postulate would be that something that weighs as much as a very large asteroid would be essentially non-detectable because it is so tiny, and doesn't emit or reflect light, anyway.
So, how exactly would it be detected by it "generating tiny gravitational distortions"?
And, what if there are 4 of them at 1/4 the mass? 10 at 10th the mass? With so many other objects in the solar system, what type of measurements are the article author's thinking they could use to distinguish a black hole's effects from the effects of everything else that is also out there?
I also wonder about Bill's assumption that such heavy objects would be uniformly distributed in space between and within planetary systems. We would no longer be talking about some strange form of matter that doesn't self-interact and stays diffuse. Black holes would follow the same gravitational interaction processes are regular matter. So, I would think they would more likely be attracted to stars and planets. And, there would be 250 billion of them within a couple of light years, if they were all the size Bill calculated. If they were distributed in the same manner as the visible mass, then most of them would be inside the orbit of Neptune.
And, again, what happens to a mass or regular matter that gets hit by a black hole that is only 0.00015 mm in diameter? If one struck Earth, presumably coming in at at Earth's 35,000 mph escape velocity, what would happen? If it was a regular asteroid 280 km in diameter, it would already be a "planet killer", at least for everything alive on the planet. But, would the whole planet get sucked into the black hole - or would most of the planet get obliterated and blown away by the energy release of the first parts being sucked into the black hole? For that matter, what would happen if one entered the Sun?
With something like 250 billion of these things per star system in our region of the galaxy, and having the gravitationally attracted to planets and stars, are the odds really that low there would be some sort of collision and interaction? We do see regular matter hitting other regular matter, so if there is six times as much dark matter, why would we not see the effects of some of it hitting the regular matter that we can see?
Or, is there some way that such tiny black holes can pass through dense regular matter without gravitationally pulling any of it inside their event horizons? If somebody thinks that is the case, please explain how.
The "gravitational field" produced by that calculator shows only 6 g, which I guess is the value at the event horizon? Seems odd, but I have not tried to check that integrating that out to infinity with 1/R^2 gives the speed of light. If somebody wanted to calculate how a single atom interacted gravitationally with a 0.00015 mm diameter black hole event horizon, that might be interesting.
(I still need to go back and check my math in the other thread.)