A TV satellite is about to explode following 'irreversible' battery damage

Jan 24, 2020
I think it would be very interesting to see it blow-up and what happens to the parts expelled off of the satellite. It sure would be a lot more interesting than anything that satellite beamed down to earth during it's lifetime. Coming up with a way to have clear video coverage of this event would be the challenge. There is only 1 month until this happens. I hope someone can some up with a way to do it.
Dec 29, 2019
Why don't they just use all the remaining propellant to send the satellite off into space, away from any earth orbit? This would completely eliminate the possibility of any debris from an explosion damaging other satellites. Even with moving it to a higher orbit there is still the possibility, however remote, that a piece of debris could eventually drift into a lower orbit and become a threat to operational satellites.
Dec 21, 2019
I think it would be very interesting to see it blow-up and what happens to the parts expelled off of the satellite. It sure would be a lot more interesting than anything that satellite beamed down to earth during it's lifetime. Coming up with a way to have clear video coverage of this event would be the challenge. There is only 1 month until this happens. I hope someone can some up with a way to do it.
I am pretty sure SpaceX could accommodate such a request if asked as they have a supply of flight ready boosters and they are not adverse to filming things like other launchers.


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