My problem with time is it's definition. Time is accumalated duration from begining to end. This means that time has to have a start and a finish. So this translates to the universe ending if the entire universe started all at once. Assuming that the only thing that can truly be infinite is numbers. Therefore I think that either the universe actually originated at one single time and will run out of time and "end". Or that the universe is infinite and the galaxies we see originated in seperate clusters of many or a few, and that there may be much more stuff beyond what we can see with our telescopes.<br /><br /> I mean that just maybe everything we refer to as the "universe" is just one small area of something much bigger. Either way, I truly do believe that the universe if much bigger than we currently presume it to be. And time needs to be redefined.<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>