Apollo 11 moon landing - 40th anniversary - OMG am I really that old....!!!

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<p><font size="2">Hi everyone<br /><br />Sorry to butt into your forum but thought you might be interested in this, and I'm always keen to here from anyone else who shares my distinction of being named after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.<br /><br />My name is Aldrin Armstrong Wilding-West (my wife happened to be a Wilding, and with a name pairing like that, you just have to hyphenate, don't you... :)<br /><br />40 years ago this July 20th, am I really that old...omg...<br /><br />So....where do you sit on this...?...I personally would hate to think I'm named after the biggest hoax of the last millennium........</font></p><p><font size="2">This my article.....I'd appreciate your views...</font></p><p><font size="2">http://www.socyberty.com/History/Apollo-11-Moon-Landing-40th-Anniversary-Did-They-or-Didnt-They.508751</font></p><p><font size="2">If you want to get in touch, you can email me via my site at:&nbsp; </font><font size="2">http://www.triond.com/users/Aldrin+Wilding+West</font></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


<font size="2"><img src="http://sitelife.space.com/ver1.0/content/scripts/tinymce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-tongue-out.gif" border="0" alt="Tongue out" title="Tongue out" />Does anybody have the "beating your head against the wall" emoticon? (I'm at work, or else I'd post it myself)</font> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#993300"><span class="body"><font size="2" color="#3366ff"><div align="center">. </div><div align="center">Never roll in the mud with a pig. You'll both get dirty & the pig likes it.</div></font></span></font> </div>


<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Does anybody have the "beating your head against the wall" emoticon? (I'm at work, or else I'd post it myself) <br />Posted by boris1961</DIV></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><font size="2" color="#0000ff">Here you go...</font></p><div style="display:inline"><img src="http://sitelife.space.com/ver1.0/Content/images/store/10/13/1adf4a08-ff5a-4455-9d6c-c9f6c89fe865.Large.gif" alt="" /></div> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff00ff">In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back.<br /></font><strong>Charlie Brown</strong></p> </div>


Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>&nbsp;Here you go... <br />Posted by starsinmyeyes44</DIV><br /><br /><font size="3">Thank You!!!</font> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#993300"><span class="body"><font size="2" color="#3366ff"><div align="center">. </div><div align="center">Never roll in the mud with a pig. You'll both get dirty & the pig likes it.</div></font></span></font> </div>


Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Does anybody have the "beating your head against the wall" emoticon? (I'm at work, or else I'd post it myself) <br />Posted by boris1961</DIV><br /><br />Since you're at work you could just substitute the emoticon&nbsp;by actually banging your head against the wall! <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><strong><font color="#ff0000">Techies: We do it in the dark. </font></strong></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>"Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.</strong><strong>" -Albert Einstein </strong></font></p> </div>


<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Since you're at work you could just substitute the emoticon&nbsp;by actually banging your head against the wall! <br />Posted by weeman</DIV><br /><br /><font size="3">Or,</font> </p><p><br /><img src="http://sitelife.space.com/ver1.0/Content/images/store/12/0/8c9a0c73-0f2d-488d-a028-5cbf30dc8a70.Medium.gif" alt="" /></p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#993300"><span class="body"><font size="2" color="#3366ff"><div align="center">. </div><div align="center">Never roll in the mud with a pig. You'll both get dirty & the pig likes it.</div></font></span></font> </div>


<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Or, <br /> Posted by boris1961</DIV></p><p>It's a good job the horses are all long deceased and decomposed now otherwise it woud be cruelty to animals.&nbsp;<img src="http://sitelife.space.com/ver1.0/content/scripts/tinymce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-frown.gif" border="0" alt="Frown" title="Frown" /></p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <h1 style="margin:0pt;font-size:12px">----------------------------------------------------- </h1><p><font color="#800000"><em>Lady Nancy Astor: "Winston, if you were my husband, I'd poison your tea."<br />Churchill: "Nancy, if you were my wife, I'd drink it."</em></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Website / forums </strong></font></p> </div>


<p>They both have 11 in them!&nbsp; Proof of conspiracy. The landing was filmed by Disney on a set. <img src="http://sitelife.space.com/ver1.0/content/scripts/tinymce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-undecided.gif" border="0" alt="Undecided" title="Undecided" /></p><p><br /> <img src="http://sitelife.space.com/ver1.0/Content/images/store/12/9/9c355e75-28c0-406e-a94f-5048d525bd0a.Medium.jpg" alt="" /><br />&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Question:</strong> <em>why is the astronaut in the shadow illuminated?</em></p><p>http://www.iangoddard.com/moon01.htm</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>HERE IS A PICTURE OF THEM PRACTICING TO FOOL EVERYONE.</p><p><br /> <img src="http://sitelife.space.com/ver1.0/Content/images/store/14/13/0ef58f77-506a-447d-8d99-7c83b0a42baa.Medium.jpg" alt="" /></p><p><br />The pictures on this official site are mostly faked by early CGI computers not known to exist. Disney invented them.</p>http://www.apolloarchive.com/apollo_gallery.html <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Hi everyoneSorry to butt into your forum but thought you might be interested in this, and I'm always keen to here from anyone else who shares my distinction of being named after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.My name is Aldrin Armstrong Wilding-West (my wife happened to be a Wilding, and with a name pairing like that, you just have to hyphenate, don't you... :)40 years ago this July 20th, am I really that old...omg...So....where do you sit on this...?...I personally would hate to think I'm named after the biggest hoax of the last millennium........This my article.....I'd appreciate your views...http://www.socyberty.com/History/Apollo-11-Moon-Landing-40th-Anniversary-Did-They-or-Didnt-They.508751If you want to get in touch, you can email me via my site at:&nbsp; http://www.triond.com/users/Aldrin+Wilding+West <br />Posted by buzzlightale</DIV><br /><br />Ah a fellow Moon Conspiracy writer, glad to have you aboard.&nbsp; Anyways, feel free to rummage through the Unexplainable forum and check out some of the crazy Moon Conspiracies i've written over the years.&nbsp; My last Moon Conspiracy involved nulcear weapons and moon probes and all sorts of crazy crap that doesn't make sense.&nbsp; I haven't posted a new one in a few months, but i'll more than likely come up with naother crazy moon or Mars copnspiracy here real soon... <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font size="3">You wanna talk some jive? I'll talk some jive. I'll talk some jive like you've never heard!</font></p> </div>


<strong><font size="2">You are not named for a hoax. Those people should be horse whipped. $20 billion on the Apollo program and the lunar sets in<em> 2001</em> looked far more realistic. Yes, we're really that old. Neil, Buzz, and Mike were kind enough to splash down on my birthday. I'm so thankful I was around and old enough to appreciate it. Even today I well-up with pride when I explain to young folks the Apollo voyages. I hope we'll do something similar again while I'm still around.<br /><img src="http://sitelife.space.com/ver1.0/Content/images/store/13/0/3d4ce250-310c-4080-80a2-460fd2a495e2.Medium.jpg" alt="" /><br /></font></strong> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'> ... Those people should be horse-whipped ...&nbsp;<br /> Posted by jim48</DIV> &nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>Oh no not again. WHY do people keep blaming the poor horses, that's what I don't understand. &nbsp;<img src="http://sitelife.space.com/ver1.0/content/scripts/tinymce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-yell.gif" border="0" alt="Yell" title="Yell" /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>... My last Moon Conspiracy involved nulcear weapons ...&nbsp;<br /> Posted by brandbll</DIV></p><p>I see you've changed your story now. It was nuclear weapons last time, IIRC.&nbsp;</p><p><br /> <img src="http://sitelife.space.com/ver1.0/Content/images/store/8/8/488a7b9a-c434-4c80-b808-e501b183aedc.Medium.jpg" alt="" /><br />&nbsp;<br /> </p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <h1 style="margin:0pt;font-size:12px">----------------------------------------------------- </h1><p><font color="#800000"><em>Lady Nancy Astor: "Winston, if you were my husband, I'd poison your tea."<br />Churchill: "Nancy, if you were my wife, I'd drink it."</em></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Website / forums </strong></font></p> </div>


<p>The Mythbusters had a special on the "hoax" a while back, where they went through the usual claims and busted them one by one ... see here:&nbsp;<span style="font-family:LucidaGrande;font-size:12px;white-space:pre" class="Apple-style-span">http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=mythbusters+moon&aq=f</span></p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#003366">It's better to be a Pirate than to join the Navy</font> <em>~ Steve Jobs</em> </div>


Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'> &nbsp; &nbsp;Oh no not again. WHY do people keep blaming the poor horses, that's what I don't understand. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;I see you've changed your story now. It was nuclear weapons last time, IIRC.&nbsp; &nbsp; <br />Posted by Smersh</DIV><br /><br /><img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/00/Mr._Ed.jpg" alt="" /><strong><font size="2">Ohhhh <em>Willllbur</em>... I never have <em>any</em> fun!</font></strong> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I see you've changed your story now. It was nuclear weapons last time, IIRC.&nbsp; &nbsp; <br />Posted by Smersh</DIV><br /><br />I always have to come up with something new.&nbsp; You know, gotta stay on the cutting edge and what not.&nbsp; I don't want to be out done by some other amateur Moon Conspiracy Theorist.&nbsp; That's why i have to do what i do.&nbsp; You see i want it to be so crazy, yet just barely scrape the edge of being believable.&nbsp; Not even scrape, merely graze it ever so lightly.&nbsp; But i have to stop there, i've already revealed too much... <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font size="3">You wanna talk some jive? I'll talk some jive. I'll talk some jive like you've never heard!</font></p> </div>
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