I happen to believe life is abundant in the universe, even intelligent life. The distances and times are so vast that contact between them is very unlikely.
Respectfully, I'd like to assert that we do not intuit very well the size and age of the universe.
Here is a simple calculation:
How much longer will it take for humanity to achieve interstellar travel? Some here assert that we have no reason to believe it will ever happen. However, I feel it would be conservative to say we achieve it within 1000 years. Even if we said 10,000 years it wouldn't affect this calculation noticeably.
Some other relevant numbers:
The earth is about 4.5 billion years old.
There are about 100 billion stars in the Milk Way
The Milky Way is about 100,000 light-years across
Our interstellar ships can accelerate at 0.001 g (conservative, in my view)
this simple calculator, we will inhabit the entire galaxy within 102,919 years. This may seem like a long time, but compared to the age of the earth, it is insignificant. 102,919 years is just 0.002% of the age of the earth. If another earth-like planet in the Milky Way got a teeny tiny head start in its formation, then it's intelligent species would already be all over the galaxy. Out of the hundred billion stars in our galaxy, are there really no earth like planets that developed just a fraction of a moment sooner than earth did? That may very well be the case.
Now consider other galaxies. The
nearest 200 galaxies (including dwarf galaxies) are within 12 million light years of us. The time it would take to travel to the furthest of these galaxies is still only 0.26% of the age of the earth! It's reasonable to assume at least one intelligent species on one planet in one of those galaxies got a 1% head start on us... So where are they? We see no possible signs of their existence - no mega structures, no signals, no Von-Neuman probes, no traces of the cosmic microwave background interacting with their relativistic spaceships.
This tells me that there is something else going on here. I can't see how it can be chalked up to vast distances and times -- because considering the actual distances and the age of the universe, we are packed like sardines!