Article that has just been published explains the entire universe!

Good Morning! I was writing an article! The first time I tried to post to the group, the admin moved it to a guessing area! It's great that this group has this space! In other words, it is a democratic group! After reviewing the article several times, it was accepted as a preprint by the highly regarded Research Square !
The DOI for the query is 10.21203/
For those who like the subject, the article is very good to read and understand! And removes all doubts about the existence of the Universe!
It will be a pleasure to hear whoever wants to read and comment. I'll post the Abstract below for anyone interested!

Two hypotheses stand out in describing the evolution of the Universe. The predominant one predicts that the current expansion began at a certain instant and will not preserve any variation of energy that performs work; apparent flat Universe (Ω = 1) is advocated by relativistic calculations and observational data, with an end or thermal death at its maximum expansion (3D space). The other hypothesis considers that the Universe is always cyclical (alternating phases of expansion and contraction). This proposal aims to demonstrate that both hypotheses can be correct by not being distinct, but complementary. Supported by the immutability of physical laws, analyses of concepts such as space, mass, energy, gravity, spin, and entropy define an exclusive presence of 1D space in the minimum and maximum expansion states of the Universe. With our 3D space Universe created and existing between these extreme states, a complete universal evolution is outlined. More objectively, all the exposed dynamics complements the usual relativity. The concept of complete rest energy (1D space) was able to be applied, demonstrating that the evolution of the entire Universe is spatially dynamic in a perpetual time dimension, always recreating our Universe.
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Oct 25, 2019
In what way are you trying to explain the universe by displaying different variation, first explain the red blue shift and how the galaxies pick up speed.
In what way are you trying to explain the universe by displaying different variation, first explain the red blue shift and how the galaxies pick up speed.
I did not understand your question! What variations are you talking about? About the galaxies BigBang already explains adequately! This article is a complement to BigBang! The question, perhaps, is about accelerated expansion! Pay attention to the pictures that you will understand better! The article does not describe the evolution of our Universe (3D space), but the evolution of the entire Universe including 1D space, 2D space and how the Universe was created and what is its future!
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DOI : 10.21203/
Sorry, just with the DOI number you can't see the posting address,
the address is
The article was a preprint by Research Square!
For those who like the subject, the article is very good to read and understand! And removes all doubts about the existence of the Universe!
It will be a pleasure to hear whoever wants to read and comment. I'll post the Abstract below for anyone interested!

Two hypotheses stand out in describing the evolution of the Universe. The predominant one predicts that the current expansion began at a certain instant and will not preserve any variation of energy that performs work; apparent flat Universe (Ω = 1) is advocated by relativistic calculations and observational data, with an end or thermal death at its maximum expansion (3D space). The other hypothesis considers that the Universe is always cyclical (alternating phases of expansion and contraction). This proposal aims to demonstrate that both hypotheses can be correct by not being distinct, but complementary. Supported by the immutability of physical laws, analyses of concepts such as space, mass, energy, gravity, spin, and entropy define an exclusive presence of 1D space in the minimum and maximum expansion states of the Universe. With our 3D space Universe created and existing between these extreme states, a complete universal evolution is outlined. More objectively, all the exposed dynamics complements the usual relativity. The concept of complete rest energy (1D space) was able to be applied, demonstrating that the evolution of the entire Universe is spatially dynamic in a perpetual time dimension, always recreating our Universe.

on the link :
Jul 1, 2021
Maybe with my limited knowledge what I could not understand, is it supporting Big Bang theory and steady-state theory simultaneously? Different dimensions, as well as energy, work entropy all mixed up, got jumbled in my brain. Regret my inability.

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