As Stars Disappear, So Does Public Support

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Promoting Space travel can only be done if we stop looking inward. And the only way to stop looking inward is to gaze towards the heavens and see a night-sky teaming with billions of stars to remind us that we are a part of the universe and not merely an appendage. Ironically in this modern age (well, modern for us) we have diminished the desire to explore the universe by blotting out the billions of stars with highway/city lights and this has greatly effected our ability to see beyond our planet - not physically but psychologically. I challenge anyone to look up at a night-sky away from the city and not be completely awed, transfixed and, most importantly, inspired by the billions of 'visible' stars swirling above. That is what propelled us to travel to the moon, build a space station and dream of traveling to deep space. But dreams need a vision and the public need to see what they are investing in, not to mention the inspiration behind the dreams. So how can we reinvigorate an inward looking public? By bringing back the night-sky and reminding them we live in a wondrous universe. Of course we can't just simply turn off city lights but perhaps science can help us; perhaps one day someone will invent a light or something that does not dull out the heavens. I'm no inventor/scientist but I am betting that will change everything. Most importantly it would have a profound effect on space travel because man would no longer feel the emptiness that is now our night-sky. Instead they would see a galaxy teaming with billions of stars and untold planets - waiting to be explored.


I fully agree. I live in the city and for me, in order to be able to find more than 5 stars in the night sky I'd have to drive 1,5 hrs outside of town. It's really frustrating. It's blank and ... yeah.. dull. Bring back the stars! One thing that could help is having our city lights dug deeper or shortened by a meter or so I guess... to match our average height - without completely blinding passengers. I don't _exactly_ know what effect on the sky the lights have but I do know it's shining whatever light on exhaust gas and other things just enough to blind us from the stars and the stars from us.

I also agree with you on the lamps thing. We can't turn them off but what we can do is alter them or get some sort of cover for them. A better one.

You can't dig a car underneath a blanket without unfolding it for all to see!


Not related to a Mission or Launch, moved to a more appropriate forum.
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