Astronaut Autographs - advise please

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I posted this in a another topic but realized it was in the free for all and it was buried by political rants.<br /><br />As a kid I was fortunate to receive many astronaut autographs (not auto-pen but actual autographs). 15 years ago or so I had a reputable Astronaut Autograph place go through the ones I had to seperate the autopens from the actual signatures but that gentleman is no longer around. (I was thrilled as I was correct in pegging the autopens as such - I have dozens of autopens). <br /><br />Basically, I ended up with autographs (many multiple) from all the Mercury, Gemini & Apollo and most of Skylab with the exception of the Grisson, White & Chaffee. Mostly 8x10 printed photo's they signed, many personalized, individual official poses and some crew shots. <br /><br />They have been in a box for 25+ years, where can I find any value of these? <br /><br />Any suggestions? <br />


Ebay, but there's so many of these it's crazy, and they don't get much interest. Most are prints, but I've seen some - mainly STS missions - that have the certificate/proof go on there for about 10 bucks.<br /><br />More value holding on to them.


><i>Ebay, but there's so many of these it's crazy, and they don't get much interest. </i><p>Most of the ones that you see floating around on eBay are autopenned, actual autographs are <b>much</b> rarer. Especially if you have a set - like individual photos of the all the crew members of a particular mission. They're not likely to be worth thousands yet, but you might get a few hundred per set.</p>


I am most certainly looking to keep them. The images I have seen offered on eBay look mostly like Autopens as I have dozens and dozens of them to compare with.<br /><br />As for the crew group, I have intact sets of individuals whick are all wearing the same flight patch and have a number of 3 crew members in one photo with their autograph, Apollo 15, and others.


hi elliatt,<br /><br />Not sure if you still need this info or not. <br /><br />There's no one place that i know of but you could dig around on websites that sell astronaut autographs and you'll probably find some comparable items. here are some sites:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />also, is an excellent resource for collectors etc and the owner is pretty versed in collecting so you might be able to get some information there.<br /><br />also, a bunch of the apollo astronauts actually sell autographed photos on their websites. this might give you an idea of value (i'll just list them all since i don't know who you have):<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />also, i'm a member of the "astroaddies" yahoo group is for autograph collectors and the moderator and the other folks seem pretty knowledgable. You might be able to get some help if you join the group. There are other astronaut related yahoo groups too so you might find something more relevant if you do a search.<br /><br />sounds like you have a pretty enviable collection there! hopefully you can find some info in th


I have Scott Parazynski's autograph...and I got a hug from him! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />


Sweet! I've never met Parazynski, but I did see him training in the neutral boyancy simulator (scuba tank) when I was in Houston ... he's from Evergreen, just like me! Huzzah! Or something XD<br /><br />I have Barbara Morgan's autograph, as well as Steve Robinson from STS-114, and a few others I met when I was in Florida in 2003, who play in the astronaut band Max Q <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> My ex boyfriend had all kinds of autographs from famous astronauts like Buzz Aldrin and Harrison Shmidt and Chuck Yeager who wasn't an astronaut but is still pretty darned cool.


Anybody got a clue what a 5x7 postcard with MR-5 Redstone taking off...and original signatures of all seven Mercury astronauts might be worth? And, NO, it's not for sale!<br /><br />I didn't SEE them sign it, but a close friend of theirs got the sigs for me...when I worked at Cape Canaveral as a summer hire on the Polaris program, as a 19 year old college student! I also met all but Gordo Cooper (who was in Australia for the last un-manned Mercury Atlas test). Each sig is in ink, different colors and pen widths.<br /><br />Just curious is all...<br /><br />Ad Luna! Ad Aries! Ad Astra!<br /><br />Trailrider


Your best bet is to post to collectSPACE with your query. There are many people who are experts on astronaut autographs there.<br /><br /><br /><br />Enjoy! <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p>-Ben</p> </div>


elliatt, I can't offer advice on value, but that is a wonderful collection you have there, congratulations.<br /><br />If I win the lottery this weekend (I have a good feeling about this week ... no, honest I do! <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />), I'll PM you with some telephone numbers .....<br /><br />..... well, maybe zip-code numbers.<br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em><font size="2" color="#ff0000">Who is this superhero?  Henry, the mild-mannered janitor ... could be!</font></em></p><p><em><font size="2">-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></em></p><p><font size="5">Bring Back The Black!</font></p> </div>
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