Astronomy and the "Conspiracy Theory"

Aug 24, 2020
I am not talking about the moon landing, or space aliens, but these theories in general about astronomy and space.

Of course conspiracy theories are married to anything that is connected to the federal government, so NASA would apply here.

I find it interesting that it is possible that all the discoveries that are made by the worlds top astrophysisists and cosmologists might not be allowed in the public domain.

There have been alot of questions that have been proposed about space and astronomy, and they remain unanswered even to this day.

I know that conspiracy theories have alot more to do with entertainment than anything else, but you never know.

Has anyone ever thought about space in these terms before?

And if you have any specific topic in astronomy that you think may apply here, I would love to speculate with you.


Apr 1, 2020
My own little CT.
Elysium exists. It's in (or is being built in) the L2 Lagrange point on the far side of the Moon.

The advanced technologies of the Skunk Works has always astonished me. What we see in play, today, was probably conceived 30 years ago and developed into a working prototype 20 years ago. I can't even imagine what they have been working on for the last decade, but I would suspect, it is space based.

-Wolf sends
Dec 11, 2019
I am not talking about the moon landing, or space aliens, but these theories in general about astronomy and space.

Of course conspiracy theories are married to anything that is connected to the federal government, so NASA would apply here.

I find it interesting that it is possible that all the discoveries that are made by the worlds top astrophysisists and cosmologists might not be allowed in the public domain.

There have been alot of questions that have been proposed about space and astronomy, and they remain unanswered even to this day.

I know that conspiracy theories have alot more to do with entertainment than anything else, but you never know.

Has anyone ever thought about space in these terms before?

And if you have any specific topic in astronomy that you think may apply here, I would love to speculate with you.

Well in actuality real researchers don't study conspiracies for entertainment. They study them because they want to know what is really going on in the world.

Sure some conspiracy theories can be entertaining but most real researchers of conspiracies want to hold the "Powers That Be" in check. Somebody has to be watching the watchers and make sure our freedoms aren't desecrated through secrets and conspiracies against the citizens . And I will leave you with this.

"Conspiracy Theorist was a term coined by Richard M Nixon, he called Woodward and Bernstein "Conspiracy Theorists!" When he was getting nicked over the Watergate affair, he also said "I am not a crook" It was later found out that he was part of a conspiracy and also a crook".

And for your question. What is very puzzling is how Wernher von Braun and ex-Nazi brought over by "Project Paperclip" was the father of the Apollo space program and helped to create NASA. I love how NASA paints a pretty picture of him at the below link. :DI would say that is the ultimate conspiracy with the very beginnings of Nasa.

In 1960, President Eisenhower transferred his rocket development center at Redstone Arsenal from the Army to the newly established National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Its primary objective was to develop giant Saturn rockets. Accordingly, von Braun became director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle, the superbooster that would propel Americans to the Moon.
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Amateur-amateur scientist
Sep 14, 2020
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's primary objective to develop and promote normal air travel? Remember, the word aeronautics precedes the word space, and I don't think that's only because pronounceable NASA is cooler than non-pronounceable NSAA. With some exceptions, possibly including this year and next, the bulk of funding has gone toward civilian and military atmospheric flight objectives.
Mar 5, 2020
What if a private corporation had found out (in the 1920’s) that U-235 could create a chain reaction? What crimes would that Corporation commit in order to eventually have the power to take over the world?

Imagine a corrupt decadent society (English or American Style ruling class) that was looking over the shoulder of every scientist on the planet. In the 1920’s it started collecting information that connected clocks and gravitational theory.

Every scientist who started asking the wrong questions or showed persistence in the face of not so subtle discouragement, is killed. A secret society does not give warnings (that is how it stays secret). The manner of death would be poisons, spread out over a six month period of time, simulating a pre-existing medical condition. The victim would not even know that they were being murdered.

Most people would agree that this would be a pretty nasty conspiracy.

Imagine a member of this society pleading for mercy in front of a jury. Long ago privileged brows had looked upon this person and had conferred upon them an elite and invulnerable status. How could he find himself in the position of explaining to peasants, his role in murdering gifted scientists to keep scientific power in the hands of a privileged few? Could this person even articulate their thoughts and motives in front of a jury without appearing to be a maniac?

Or would you prefer a less dark conspiracy?
Aug 24, 2020
What if a private corporation had found out (in the 1920’s) that U-235 could create a chain reaction? What crimes would that Corporation commit in order to eventually have the power to take over the world?

Imagine a corrupt decadent society (English or American Style ruling class) that was looking over the shoulder of every scientist on the planet. In the 1920’s it started collecting information that connected clocks and gravitational theory.

Every scientist who started asking the wrong questions or showed persistence in the face of not so subtle discouragement, is killed. A secret society does not give warnings (that is how it stays secret). The manner of death would be poisons, spread out over a six month period of time, simulating a pre-existing medical condition. The victim would not even know that they were being murdered.

Most people would agree that this would be a pretty nasty conspiracy.

Imagine a member of this society pleading for mercy in front of a jury. Long ago privileged brows had looked upon this person and had conferred upon them an elite and invulnerable status. How could he find himself in the position of explaining to peasants, his role in murdering gifted scientists to keep scientific power in the hands of a privileged few? Could this person even articulate their thoughts and motives in front of a jury without appearing to be a maniac?

Or would you prefer a less dark conspiracy?
The potential government secrets Iam talking about does not apply to any NASA program as it pertains to machines and technology, but the natural state of space itself. The celestial bodies and everything else in all of the known universe.

Mabey the answer to what is inside of a black hole is already known, but the people in the know are not allowed to talk about it because the information could be so profound that it could panic people unessesarily, or reveal something that the whole of society is not ready for.

To many answers to the mysteries of the universe that are revealed in to short a period of time could alter society to quickly, and that could be why these known answers simply have to wait, or answers that are going to be revealed in very small parts over a very long period of time, certainly beyond our lifetimes.

Now, Iam going to be honest with you, everytime I look up into the night sky I see things visually that do not match the scientific evidence.

Stars do not look like they are countless hundreds or thousands of light years away. They appear to be just beyond our atmosphère.

The moon does not appear to be as far away as we have been told either. It looks like it is sitting in plain sight right above our atmosphère.

And the sun does not look to be much larger than the moon, and certainly not as far away as we have been told.

Now, I actually do not believe that any of the previous three things are true, but what we are told just does not match the visual evidence that we all see the same way.

So here is the overall conspiracy theory:

Is the universe really as large as we have been told? Are the objects in space really as far away from each other like we are told?

Could our universe be part of something that would scare the daylights out of anyone if they found out about it?


Apr 3, 2020
The potential government secrets Iam talking about does not apply to any NASA program as it pertains to machines and technology, but the natural state of space itself. The celestial bodies and everything else in all of the known universe.

Mabey the answer to what is inside of a black hole is already known, but the people in the know are not allowed to talk about it because the information could be so profound that it could panic people unessesarily, or reveal something that the whole of society is not ready for.

To many answers to the mysteries of the universe that are revealed in to short a period of time could alter society to quickly, and that could be why these known answers simply have to wait, or answers that are going to be revealed in very small parts over a very long period of time, certainly beyond our lifetimes.

Now, Iam going to be honest with you, everytime I look up into the night sky I see things visually that do not match the scientific evidence.

Stars do not look like they are countless hundreds or thousands of light years away. They appear to be just beyond our atmosphère.

The moon does not appear to be as far away as we have been told either. It looks like it is sitting in plain sight right above our atmosphère.

And the sun does not look to be much larger than the moon, and certainly not as far away as we have been told.

Now, I actually do not believe that any of the previous three things are true, but what we are told just does not match the visual evidence that we all see the same way.

So here is the overall conspiracy theory:

Is the universe really as large as we have been told? Are the objects in space really as far away from each other like we are told?

Could our universe be part of something that would scare the daylights out of anyone if they found out about it?
Yes. Yes. Maybe...
Is the universe really as large as we have been told? Are the objects in space really as far away from each other like we are told?
It was, not too long ago, held that the Milk Way was it, no other body of stars like it. The other galaxies were seen only as nebulae. Hubble, from Wilson (hopefully not on fire today), was able to see stars in other galaxies. Distance was the next challenge. Their magnitudes could be compared to those in the Milky Way, but the estimates were very rough. Once Hubble found a Cepheid Variable, he was able to do the math and establish what he thought was the correct distance. [He soon realized he was using the wrong type of Cepheid, then he was able to get a pretty reasonable distance result for this galaxy and many more.] That greatly expanded the universe.
Dec 11, 2019
The potential government secrets Iam talking about does not apply to any NASA program as it pertains to machines and technology, but the natural state of space itself. The celestial bodies and everything else in all of the known universe.

Mabey the answer to what is inside of a black hole is already known, but the people in the know are not allowed to talk about it because the information could be so profound that it could panic people unessesarily, or reveal something that the whole of society is not ready for.

To many answers to the mysteries of the universe that are revealed in to short a period of time could alter society to quickly, and that could be why these known answers simply have to wait, or answers that are going to be revealed in very small parts over a very long period of time, certainly beyond our lifetimes.

Now, Iam going to be honest with you, everytime I look up into the night sky I see things visually that do not match the scientific evidence.

Stars do not look like they are countless hundreds or thousands of light years away. They appear to be just beyond our atmosphère.

The moon does not appear to be as far away as we have been told either. It looks like it is sitting in plain sight right above our atmosphère.

And the sun does not look to be much larger than the moon, and certainly not as far away as we have been told.

Now, I actually do not believe that any of the previous three things are true, but what we are told just does not match the visual evidence that we all see the same way.

So here is the overall conspiracy theory:

Is the universe really as large as we have been told? Are the objects in space really as far away from each other like we are told?

Could our universe be part of something that would scare the daylights out of anyone if they found out about it?

I would say the Universe one hologram among an infinite number of holograms. That the fastest way to travel through this hologram is through thought. I think some ships have already been developed that can be flown through thought. For instance, think about yourself going to Mars. How fast did you get their in your thoughts? Instantly. We can instantly travel around the Universe anywhere through thought.
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I would say the Universe one hologram among an infinite number of holograms. That the fastest way to travel through this hologram is through thought. I think some ships have already been developed that can be flown through thought. For instance, think about yourself going to Mars. How fast did you get their in your thoughts? Instantly. We can instantly travel around the Universe anywhere through thought.
What you are writing is very hard to allow as a teorical conspiration. It is very hard to think to a infinity speed, that forced the time to be 0 in the equation of speed=space/time, as I have already told in this forum, but I don't rimember in which thread. The space is unknown, because it isn't important, seen that to travel to Mars or outside our galaxy last always the same time, thus 0. But seen this thread is the thread of cospiration, and the Power That Be could also hide this to us, we can accept also this
Nov 6, 2020
The potential government secrets Iam talking about does not apply to any NASA program as it pertains to machines and technology, but the natural state of space itself. The celestial bodies and everything else in all of the known universe.

Mabey the answer to what is inside of a black hole is already known, but the people in the know are not allowed to talk about it because the information could be so profound that it could panic people unessesarily, or reveal something that the whole of society is not ready for.

To many answers to the mysteries of the universe that are revealed in to short a period of time could alter society to quickly, and that could be why these known answers simply have to wait, or answers that are going to be revealed in very small parts over a very long period of time, certainly beyond our lifetimes.

Now, Iam going to be honest with you, everytime I look up into the night sky I see things visually that do not match the scientific evidence.

Stars do not look like they are countless hundreds or thousands of light years away. They appear to be just beyond our atmosphère.

The moon does not appear to be as far away as we have been told either. It looks like it is sitting in plain sight right above our atmosphère.

And the sun does not look to be much larger than the moon, and certainly not as far away as we have been told.

Now, I actually do not believe that any of the previous three things are true, but what we are told just does not match the visual evidence that we all see the same way.

So here is the overall conspiracy theory:

Is the universe really as large as we have been told? Are the objects in space really as far away from each other like we are told?

Could our universe be part of something that would scare the daylights out of anyone if they found out about it?
Some stars look small or dim, some are bright or larger. The sun, if it is a star, would have to be much much closer comparatively. So many more can be seen through a scope, implying distance.

I have seen the rings of Saturn through my scope but cannot see them with the naked eye, which also implies distance more than just beyond our atmosphere.

To find the distance of the Moon from the Earth, you and a friend stand 3,200 km apart and each take a picture of the Moon at exactly the same time. Then, compare your images. The Moon will be in a different spot, but the background stars will be in the same place. What your images have given you is a triangle. You know the base (the distance between you and your friend), and you can find the angle at the top (the point of the Moon in this triangle). Simple geometry will give you a value for the distance of the Moon.

Start with the few knowns. We know, as did the Ancient Greeks, that the Moon travels around the Earth at a constant speed – about 29 days per revolution. The diameter of the Earth is also known to be about 12,875 km or 8,000 miles. By tracking the movement of the Earth’s shadow across the Moon during an eclipse, Greek astronomers found that the Earth’s shadow was roughly 2.5 times the apparent size of the Moon and lasted roughly three hours from the first to last signs of the shadow.

From these measurements, it was simple geometry that allowed Aristarchus (c. 270 BC) to determined that the Moon was round 60 Earth radii away (about 386,243 km or 240,000 miles). This is quite close to the currently accepted figure of 60.3 radii.

Now, unless the conspiracy has been going on since c. 270 BC, and there are no amateur astronomers out there to confirm any of this, then yeah. A conspiracy can only exist if after independent investigation, it's still possible. But in this case, it's not. There are many means by which anyone can confirm the data for themselves without any need to depend on "what they tell us" since anyone can be one of the "they". :)
Nov 15, 2020
I would say the Universe one hologram among an infinite number of holograms. That the fastest way to travel through this hologram is through thought. I think some ships have already been developed that can be flown through thought. For instance, think about yourself going to Mars. How fast did you get their in your thoughts? Instantly. We can instantly travel around the Universe anywhere through thought.
Mar 5, 2020
The potential government secrets Iam talking about does not apply to any NASA program as it pertains to machines and technology, but the natural state of space itself.
What if understanding the natural state of space had a commercial or military application?
Knowledge is actually power. As such it is susceptible to corruption.
What if understanding the natural state of space had a commercial or military application?
Knowledge is actually power. As such it is susceptible to corruption.
Yeah, this is possible, is the only reason for which they could keep us far from these real knoledge. Thanks to your speech you made me remember the gunpowder invented by Japan. When this technology rested in the japanise hands, all of this went ok, but when Europeans discovered it, they invented the guns.

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