There is definitely a problem with bullying in most of society, these days.
Much of that has to do with loss of punishments for misbehaviors. And, that applies to both the criminals on the streets and the bullies in schools as well as the bullies in corporate and political organizations. It seems to begin in the homes of people when they are children, but can come about from both extremes of lack of discipline to discipline that is itself bullying.
That said, it is still hard to figure out how much of articles like this is about real bullying, because "victimhood" has also become a path to "success" in many organizations where there is an attempt to deal with bullying.
I have found bullies of all sexes/genders, races, religions, social statuses, etc. etc.
And, I have seen all sorts of bullying claims that were completely bogus.
I have even seen bullies claim to be victims.