Avoiding Deep Impact on 2015 of asteroid Apopphis

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http://www.space.com/php/multimedia/imagedisplay/img_display.php?pic=h_asteroid_tractor_02.jpg&cap=Artist%92s+concept+of+a+large+spacecraft+using+gravitational+attraction+to+nudge+an+asteroid+away+from+a+collision+course+with+Earth.+Image+Credit%3A+Dan+Durda+-+FIAAA%2FB612+Foundation<br /><br />I agree with the artist's concept of altering the course of asteroid Apophis in 2015 as a better alternative to blowing it up. <br /><br />Using a tractor beam that sends attractive or repulsive gravitational waves some sort of antenna like the one in star wars Darth Vader's death star seems like a cleaner way to deal with the menace of this asteroid ever hitting Earth.<br /><br />I suppose a simple experiment in a physics lab could test a gravitational wave inductor that worked analougously much as an electrical inductor that when a current passes through it induces electromagnetic waves on other objects.<br /><br />I imagine this kind of gravitational inductor as a coiled tube with a torrent of a high density fluid pumped through it, this coil would be next to a rail that has pressurized air flowing through holes along its length, just as the ones used in momentum transfer collision experiments in order to induce near zero gravity. <br /><br />And as the speed of the fluid inside the coiled tube is increased there must be a momentum transfer as time goes by to any object with mass along the cental axis of the coiled tube in line with the rail with the test mass.<br /><br />Well this is just an idea.<br />Another idea could be to aim an antimatter cannon to the Asteroid and watch from Earth the Energy burst after the matter and the anti-matter anihilate each other.<br /><b></b>


Gravity wave inducers? Antimatter cannons? Do you really believe we will have these technologies by 2015? Much simpler to explode a few H bombs successively on one side until the asteroids course is changed. Or, if you want something a little more elegant you could attach a solar sail.
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