Black hole or neutron star? Gravitational wave 'chirps' can tell us what becomes of dying stars

I don't believe gravity can be emitted. A chirp comes from a continuous acceleration or a continuous deceleration. This is because during the change in velocity, the emitter changes size.

A chirp come from the expansion or contraction of the emitter during the emission.
If the force of gravity changed, could we sense it? Or measure it? If within a 5 min span, the gravity decreased by 5%, would we be able to sense it?

Would we see any change in our solar system? All in our system have the same mass/gravity ratio.

So what would a 5% change do?

We have another acceleration on this system. The galactic acceleration. This acceleration is incident to our solar disk. And accelerates all in our system at the same rate and time. We do not sense this acceleration. Because it is common. If it did change, could we tell?

How about gravity? If the sun and the earth’s gravity decreased by 5%, would any timing change? Any distance change?

Wouldn’t the attractive ratios remain the same?

Or would the orbital velocity need to change to keep distance…… or would the distance need to change to keep velocity?

Does any here know what our simulators would tell us?

If gravity decreased, wouldn’t the thrust of a rocket decrease with it? Because the mass decreases with it. So inertia and momentum decreases with it.

OR with a 5% decrease would we see it right away with increased accelerations and velocities? And a dimension/velocity change in our system.

If a gravity wave did come in… c…...wouldn’t it effect the outer planets hours before us and the sun? Wouldn’t we see a ripple coming? It should shimmer the star background. Especially if you think gravity can distort light. Star light ripple would be common. Imagine all the ripple around a BH.

Something is distorting our interferometer, but I don’t think it’s gravity. And using lasers…. We might be entangling something. Or another form of feedback. Or a parasitic displacement.

Our g field is constantly changing from core, earth and moon motion. An oscillating g field. And so spacetime says ours clocks are always changing. A stable and even time is impossible. How can we measure with a changing clock?

Spacetime is a false entity. A false dynamic. No measurement can be made with spacetime.

Length and time do not change with velocity. Only the interaction duration does. The measurement duration, not the length and time of the thing being measured. Measurement angle has a similar effect.

Angle relativity. And velocity relativity. Years before Einstein. Spacetime only proves the FALSE constant velocity of c.

The only time light has a constant velocity is when you make the light that you are measuring.

All starlight(not sun) has a different velocity. We just are unable to measure it. For now.

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