Blue Origin scrubs 1st New Glenn rocket launch due to technical issue

And SpaceX just delayed their launch again as well. I can't be the only one who sees what is going on here. God damn the egos. It's like something from Grease. They're both revving their engines, lurching at the start line, and giving one another smug looks. Imagine if New Glenn goes first and explodes into a fireball. Musk will take the rudest, crudest, victory lap you ever saw on X. But Imagine if Starship goes first, and booster destroys the launch tower on landing. Neither one can afford the humility. Everything is on the line. Double check it. Double check it again. Wait for better weather. Wait for daises and daffodils.

My god... just launch the damn rockets already!
I seriously doubt that the professionals involved in either of these launch projects have such an adolescent, egocentric approach to their work as Ryan's post claims.

Neither of the very public egos at the tops of these development corporations makes the actual launch decisions. And I seriously doubt they would pressure the professionals to "just launch the damn rockets, already".

The real goal is a successful launch vehicle that can be used profitably. Uselessly blowing up a test vehicle so that it fails to achieve its test objectives just to get off the pad first would be too stupid to allow.

But, certainly, nobody can credibly accuse Musk of being unwilling to take calculated risks to speed up the SpaceX development process.
Jan 13, 2025
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Was it just me or were the two gals doing the announcing more vacuous than space. I mean I know they are just supposed to be talking heads but they were painful to listen to.

I am so excited to see other players entering the field and New Glen is a giant step forward for them. I hope it lifts and lands as intended just like I hope starship 7 goes well...can hardly wait for the day when we have people living "up there" and not just ISS but the moon, mars and beyond.

I just wish that these companies could hire people that are a bit more knowledgeable to speak for them