When I was in Montana back in the 1960s. the military jets would hit us with a REALLY LOUD sonic boom every few days. Humans would jump with a major startle effect, but the horses we were on would not seem to react at all. But strangely, when a thunderstorm rolled in, and there was a much less loud and less sharp clap of thunder, the same horses would jump and then act skittish. So, they could tell the difference, somehow, and were probably evolved to act in a way to minimize being struck by lightning - which is probably an issue for animals who live on open plains.
The ranch never lost a window to those sonic booms, so far as I know. I have read that booms over a certain threshold can break glass. But, I think that neglects the direction that the pressure wave is travelling. If it is coming from above, I would expect greenhouse rooves to be more in jeopardy than windows on the sides of houses.