My telescope has just been sitting in the corner gathering dust!<br /><br />I live in Wiltshire, UK. It has been the worst run of weather i can remember for this time of year. Sometimes you get those clear spells after heavy rain, which provide great seeing conditions. But, i have not even seen one of those.<br /><br />I am off to Europe for a few weeks shortly, weather looks good there, so i am hoping to get a good view of the Perseid meteor Shower. Fingers crossed that Andrew is correct, and everybody back home and elsewhere can see it too.<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080"><em>"Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star, or bounce too close to a supernova and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?"</em></font></p><p><font color="#33cccc"><strong>Han Solo - 1977 - A long time ago in a galaxy far far away....</strong></font></p><p><br />
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