c^0, c^1, c^2, c^3, c^4.... A power state.

I'm not going to explain it for now, well not so much, and no matter how Alice in Wonderland ridiculous and magical it seems, I'm just going to do it (and I will remind that I'm an "intuitive" "visual mathematician," not a mathematician as such more than the common). So here goes:

e(0) = m(0)c^0
e(1) = m(1)c^1
e(2) = m(1)c^2
e(3) = m(1)c^3
e(4) = m(1)c^4

To Aristotle the four elements were earth, wind, fire, and water.
I've got them as gravity, space, light, and time.
The gravity cone of space.
The light cone of time.
0-point (portal) / graviton string singularities.
Light time histories frames.

The mass of the universe never increases, nor does it decrease . . . it never has. It never will. But the energy and acceleration seem to increase and decrease, or so it appears. It appears to me a power state rather than a mass-energy state as such.

"From a drop of water...."
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A cell acquires a certain amount of energy overage and divides into two or more (more youthful) entity masses. Two entity masses may fuse but any excess energy from the fused unity speaks to a division. Division, the same as unity, will always have its half, its half portion (fbb2 0 (null unity) | 1 (unity) . . . and parity). Even our universe, having accumulated so much energy, is probably accelerating for a divide into two or more (warp spacetime bubble) universes . . . that is, if it hasn't already done so, countless many, many, times over.

An expansive / contractive state. A smooth / coarse-grain chunky state ....
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The average mass, energy, charge.... across an infinity of universes is conserved. So far though, the energy that can be drawn from any particular mass is not locked to that mass if the momentum of the mass squares, cubes.... while the mass itself isolated to its finite local relativity remains unchanged. The starship Enterprise bounding through hyperspace may be observed to be in different locations of space at precisely the same instant of time as observed by precisely the same observer at precisely the same observatory located precisely by Einstein's railroad track at rest. A particle observed to be just about everywhere in all the space in and of the box at exactly the same instant of time . . . all those Enterprises in all those spaces, all that space, quantum entangled with each other, one and the same Enterprise across them all, occupying all those light time history crossroads within its single spacetime bubble all at once, but not so to the "observation of the observer on Earth," so to speak.

Which rules the roost, quantum mechanics' principle of uncertainty ("spooky action at a distance") or local relativity on the spot?! The Enterprise being divided out into many Enterprises (as the Earth observer "observes"), or the increasing many of the light time history crossroads being occupied, traversed, all at once by the Enterprise being the many as the Enterprise's Captain Kirk "observes"?!

That occupation of countless many light time history spacetime crossroads, doesn't just go for Captain Kirk aboard his Enterprise, it also goes for the Earth observer in his observatory occupying just as many in a universe, in universes, of equal and opposite warp spacetime bubble contraction and contractions with warp spacetime bubble expansion and expansions.
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