Call for Astronomy Volunteers

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From Astromart:<br /><br />Bryce Canyon will once again be offering numerous stargazing programs throughout the summer season. A staff of 3-4 rangers with astronomy experience coupled with volunteers from around the nation make this robust program possible. Last year 27,000 visitors attended astronomy programs at Bryce under magnitude 7+ skies. <br /><br />Housing or trailer pads are avilable for those working 32 hours a week. Be part of a growing and exciting program that is making a difference in how people connect to the sky and protect starry nights. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Chad Moore <br /><br />Another thing (from me):<br /><br />Yosemite Star Parties<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1" color="#3366ff"></font> </div>


I've got to bring the rest of this in now.<br /><br />My post:<br /><br />I might be interested in a long weekend or a week but 4 weeks?? <br /><br />Just curious <br /><br />How many volunteers do you get? How do the "monsoons" effect the program. <br /><br />I know how tired I am after 8 straight nights of public astronomy at the Grand Canyon Star Party showing a couple hundred people the night sky. (takes a couple of days to get caught up on sleep) <br /><br />I know that the clubs around Yosemite have weekend programs, the GCSP is a week in June. I'm retired and I don't think I could commit to 4 weeks and I love public astronomy. <br /><br />Thom Walczak <br /> <br /><br />His reply:<br /><br />Yes, I suppose that it takes a certain breed of person and one who has free time. But there are many people interested and who do fit the bill. We hold 3 astronomy programs per week with solar viewing and moonlight hikes when appropriate- so you definately won't be burnt out due to 7 straight nights of astronomy. <br /><br />We got 10 volunteers last year, with committments from 3-16 weeks. It really helps to have volunteers stay a while- we train volunteers in interprtation/public speaking, working the front desk, and allow them to get to know the park. We also now have to do background check on most volunters- grumble, grumble. <br /><br />We've had retired business execs, teachers on summer break, naturalists, astronomy bums, and people of all sorts work with our program. <br /><br />The Monsoon period is from about July 10 to August 20th. About 60% of the nights are clouded out during that time, though it will eventually clear up almost every night if you stay out late enough. May-June and Sept-Oct are usually spectacular. <br /><br />Chad <br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1" color="#3366ff"></font> </div>
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