<font color="yellow">Oil Fields: Cold Storage for Greenhouse Gases?<br />By Larry O'Hanlon, Discovery News<br />July 9, 2004 — Canadian geologists may have found the perfect place to hide all those troublesome greenhouse gases: old oil fields.<br /><br />By pumping carbon dioxide into emptied natural oil reservoirs, they hope not only to keep the global warming gas out of the atmosphere, but also to force up remaining oil that couldn't be extracted any other way.</font><br /><br />Wow, it APPEARS as if our global warming problem is solved! We'll take all the greenhouse gases as pump them underground.<br /><br />Does anyone else see the problem here?<br /><br />Let's count carbon atoms... How many carbon atoms are coming up from the wells for every carbon atom they pump down the well? What do we do with those extracted carbon atoms? We convert them to CO2!