China’s new crew spacecraft looks like it could dock with the International Space Station

Mar 30, 2020
Good job, China! Too bad the Americans are just not ready to work with the Chinese on this. I can understand that especially now (March 30, 2020, in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic) it's politically not feasible, but I do hope that in a few months or a year it will be. If we want to seriously expand in space, mankind must work together. Don't forget that the ISS is just that - International. The U.S. could not have done it on its own. It is obvious that the Chinese have strong capabilities in space exploration.
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Mar 30, 2020
Sorry, I think it will take quite a while for the Free Nations on Earth to warm up to the Chinese Communists. Their lies and misinformation caused delays and needless suffering.

Their suborning of the World Health Organization was part of a Premeditated and Calculated Plan to spread disinformation to those of us providing healthcare.

Then they top it all off with a blatant slander against the United States Armed Forces. Accusing them of starting the Plague in Wuhan.

Their blatant lack of concern for people of other nations around the globe is worthy of nothing more than Diplomatic and Financial Sanctions on the Communist Chinese Nation from the Entire International Community. At least from the Free Nations of Earth.

A Good Start would be FULL Diplomatic Recognition of the Freely Elected Government of the Republic of China on Formosa.
Mar 30, 2020
Good job, China! Too bad the Americans are just not ready to work with the Chinese on this. I can understand that especially now (March 30, 2020, in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic) it's politically not feasible, but I do hope that in a few months or a year it will be. If we want to seriously expand in space, mankind must work together. Don't forget that the ISS is just that - International. The U.S. could not have done it on its own. It is obvious that the Chinese have strong capabilities in space exploration.

Perhaps if China wouldn't spend its time developing killer satellites that blow up other satellites in orbit, exclude Americans from its space explorations and data-sharing, and in general beg borrow and steal intelligence from the free world, the USA would long ago have invited China to participate in joint exploits.

And, with respect to your silly comment about the USA being unable to do it "on its own," the US built, launched and operated space station Skylab by itself from 1973 to 1979 during China's Cultural Revolution, while Chairman Mao oversaw the genocide of somewhere between 25 and 70 million Chinese.

Please inform yourself about who was willing to work with whom, and who shrouds its space program in secrecy and militarism.
Perhaps if China wouldn't spend its time developing killer satellites that blow up other satellites in orbit, exclude Americans from its space explorations and data-sharing, and in general beg borrow and steal intelligence from the free world, the USA would long ago have invited China to participate in joint exploits.

The ISS was paid for by an international effort. Possibly US could have done it on their own, but we don't know that.

China is no better or worse than the Russia the current US president loves to fondle, except that it is set to become the leading economic superpower, which may or may not be useful. [Disclaimer: I'm from Sweden, which currently US administration has joined China and Russia as the nation they love to hate - bullies don't like independents.]

Maybe the bungled COVID-19 response in US did the trick? We'll see. And if it did, maybe US will start to collaborate with the new bully on the school yard.
Mar 30, 2020
Your conspiracy theory fantasies are helping no one.

Try checking out sources besides CBSNBCABCCNNWaPoNYT

The Chinese Communists have been a Bad Actor on the World Scene for Decades.
Dancing with the Devil benefits no one!
Mar 30, 2020
The ISS was paid for by an international effort. Possibly US could have done it on their own, but we don't know that.

China is no better or worse than the Russia the current US president loves to fondle, except that it is set to become the leading economic superpower, which may or may not be useful. [Disclaimer: I'm from Sweden, which currently US administration has joined China and Russia as the nation they love to hate - bullies don't like independents.]

Maybe the bungled COVID-19 response in US did the trick? We'll see. And if it did, maybe US will start to collaborate with the new bully on the school yard.

You have a problem with seeing the difference between Good and Evil in modern history.

Too many thousands of others too possibly post.
Which is easy to see why you stand for nothing and fall for everything.
Jan 31, 2020
Good job, China! Too bad the Americans are just not ready to work with the Chinese on this. I can understand that especially now (March 30, 2020, in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic) it's politically not feasible, but I do hope that in a few months or a year it will be. If we want to seriously expand in space, mankind must work together. Don't forget that the ISS is just that - International. The U.S. could not have done it on its own. It is obvious that the Chinese have strong capabilities in space exploration.
ShmuelGold is a CCP supported communist troll, supporting their politics so he can get whatever bone they throw at him. Good Dog ShmuelGold. Enjoy your biquit. It is good for China to be working on the standard docking port. Some day "Poohbear and friends" aka "Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party" will be out of power and people will actually want to connect thier spacecraft to thiers, but not until then if anyone has any brains.
Feb 4, 2020
i think we should offer limited access (docking trials, ect) to the Chinese you never know when you need to be rescued or rescue some one. i know they have not been upfront about many things and have done a lot of government and industrial espionage. but we need to at least be neighborly, even if we have make sure they dont steal something
Jan 31, 2020
i think we should offer limited access (docking trials, ect) to the Chinese you never know when you need to be rescued or rescue some one. i know they have not been upfront about many things and have done a lot of government and industrial espionage. but we need to at least be neighborly, even if we have make sure they dont steal something
You may be right, but I wouldn't want to take it much further than docking, having a party in the airlock and then both going on our separate ways. The only problem is that afterwards the rest of the ISS crew might suddenly come down with some kind of sickness that the Chinese soldiers carried with them because they are unaffected carriers, which can happen accidentally or on purpose. Best just to leave them to their own methods. They can make multiple devices using the new-to-them standard and dock between them. Besides, they are just making copies of our equipment like they always do without giving credit or royalties. Right now all interaction with China is predatory, where they are trying to get as much as they can out of us. There are a lot of parallels between what the CCP is doing and what the 3rd Reich has done. (both have/had concentration camps, xenophobic perspectives and expansionistic ambitions) All non-Chinese are sub-human to these people. Best not to associate with them until the CCP is gone and then possibly embrace them afterwards and even help them rebuild. Remember the Marshall Plan was a good one but you don't implement until after the obamanation is removed. It is wise to love the Chinese and hate the fascist/communists running their country so we don't want to give them further positive "face" right now.
Mar 31, 2020
The ISS was paid for by an international effort. Possibly US could have done it on their own, but we don't know that.

China is no better or worse than the Russia the current US president loves to fondle, except that it is set to become the leading economic superpower, which may or may not be useful. [Disclaimer: I'm from Sweden, which currently US administration has joined China and Russia as the nation they love to hate - bullies don't like independents.]

Maybe the bungled COVID-19 response in US did the trick? We'll see. And if it did, maybe US will start to collaborate with the new bully on the school yard.

You seemed confused.
Mar 31, 2020
Likely the Chinese are willing to work well with the US as well as those they work with now. The current poor interaction is from American 20th century attitudes and we need a history of mutual work to show the process is based upon mutual science. China has initiated many areas of core science interaction as 'open yet based in China'. Competition does not require hostility, it can be mutually efficient, as that is the core of science in large scaled efforts.
Jan 31, 2020
The ISS was paid for by an international effort. Possibly US could have done it on their own, but we don't know that.

China is no better or worse than the Russia the current US president loves to fondle, except that it is set to become the leading economic superpower, which may or may not be useful. [Disclaimer: I'm from Sweden, which currently US administration has joined China and Russia as the nation they love to hate - bullies don't like independents.]

Maybe the bungled COVID-19 response in US did the trick? We'll see. And if it did, maybe US will start to collaborate with the new bully on the school yard.
Torbjorn Larsson is clearly working for the CCP dishing out their product. ....and like most Chinese products, it's poor quality. Not to knock the Chinese, but products coming out of communist countries are rarely high quality unless great effort to make it otherwise is made. Remember, communism pushes anti-theism which causes nihilism which leads to hedonism which is not a good mindset for quality because you just don't care about the customer. Never forget the Trabant. That should illustrate nicely.


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