Citizen scientists spot more than 1,000 new asteroids in old Hubble Telescope photos

If we were to stop taking images today, it would take decades just to view previous images(data) that no one has looked at yet. Much of new findings we read about today, come from old data, that is processed in a different manor. Many will spend their lifetimes analyzing old data.

There is a hope that A.I. can analyze this backlog and perhaps glean much more from it. If we can trust it.

But on a more serious note, an unseen rock is our greatest present danger. But most have other hobbies.

Movies about rocks hitting earth are not funny. Bullets kill.
Apr 1, 2024
So. Maybe they need to just give stuff to citizen scientists... cause how do official scientists miss that many for years....


Apr 3, 2020
There have been efforts in the past to get humans to help with similar data. As @Classical Motion indicated, there is hope that AI will mature to sift through this sort of visual data, but to date the human eye-brain effectiveness is hard to beat in some applications.

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