Boy! This really steams me.<br />You'd think from the view points of some politicians that the Shuttle is this horribly crippled spacecraft that should be treated with kid gloves whenever it flies again.<br /><br /><br /><br />But with the crash on February 1, 2003, of the space shuttle Columbia, a manned mission to repair Hubble is not worth the risk, said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-California.<br /><br />"Some people just want to dive back in and use the shuttle as if these catastrophic accidents didn't happen. ... To the degree that we don't have to use the shuttle, we shouldn't use the shuttle," he said.<br /><br />This is the sort of person that makes NASA's job so much harder. People like this have no concept that space is dangerous.<br />I'm so angry I could spit.<br />