<font color="yellow">Does the cosmic background radiation data suggest there couldn't be vast amounts of matter outside our observational range?</font><br /><br />According with Standard Cosmology around 400 000 years after the Big Bang the temperature dropped enough to allow electrons and protons to form hydrogen atoms. <br /><br />This is called the recombination period or decoupling during which electrons became bound to nuclei. After the decoupling of matter and radiation, which happened at about the same time as recombination, ambient photons could travel freely, and are visible today as the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. Universe became transparent.<br /><br />So matter cannot be seen or detected from CMBR because that is the moment matter starts to form.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Or is this just the farthest as we can observe or detect?</font><br /><br />Pretty much because before CMBR the universe was opaque.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">I guess more to the point, my question would be, could there be matter out there causing acceleration of expansion?</font><br /><br />Acceleration is believed to be cause by "dark energy"(cosmological constant, quintessence, phantom energy you name it and everyone as a theory). The problem is that no one knows what is dark energy. We just know there is a repulsive force sending everything appart (exceptions made to local clusters). This acceleration is believed to have start 5 billion years ago when the universe. Before it was deccelerating due to the attractive influence of matter and baryons. Then dark energy became the dominant force and the acceleration started.<br /><br /><font color="yellow"> Or would the cosmic background radiation data suggest it would be to far away to have this gravatational effect?</font><br /><br />Very far indeed and gravity is the weakest of the 4 forces in the universe. But in quantum mechanics "imagine two particles which interact then distance thems