Cosmic 'fireworks' shine in baby star cluster and distant galaxy

As the article states, "That process may take a million years to complete, according to scientists who captured a new look at the star cluster formally known as G286.21+0.17."

This is a good measurement by ALMA and angular resolution seems to be about 1200 mas (1.2 arcsec) to image a few 1000 AU size observed or even smaller perhaps., "Spectra of 76 continuum-defined dense cores, typically a few 1000 au in size, are analyzed to measure their centroid velocities and internal velocity dispersions." Another source disclosed "Hubble revealed about a thousand newly-formed stars with a wide range of masses. Additionally, ALMA showed that there is a lot more mass present in dense gas that still has to undergo collapse. "Overall the process may take at least a million years to complete," Cheng added. "This illustrates how dynamic and chaotic the process of star birth is,",

Completing the process of star formation continues to be messy and these reports indicate that. Magnetic fields can disrupt gas clouds as well as gas cloud fragmentation too.