Dark energy could lead to a second (and third, and fourth) Big Bang, new research suggests

Well, this is timely :) We also have the Dark Matter Big Bang.

The universe may have started with a dark Big Bang, https://phys.org/news/2023-03-universe-dark-big.html

Dark Matter and Gravity Waves from a Dark Big Bang, https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.11579, 22-Feb-2023.

My observation. The 46-page PDF report tackles the problem of explaining the origin of DM in the BB model and provides information on redshift changes too. This is from page 3.

“We have been particularly interested in answering the following question: what is the latest time at which the Dark Big Bang could take place in the history of the Universe? Clearly, for purely gravitational couplings between the dark and visible sectors, the Dark Big Bang can occur after BBN without spoiling the light element abundances. But another key issue is that the dark matter must pick up the right adiabatic perturbations required for structure formation. Indeed, we will show that the leading constraints on the time of the Dark Big Bang arise from structure formation and allow for a Dark Big Bang as late as O(month) after the Hot Big Bang (corresponding to a redshift of z ~ 3 x 10^6). We note, however, that the Dark Big Bang cannot be pushed to an epoch as late as matter-radiation equality at z = 3500 (as preferred by early dark energy solutions to the Hubble tension [8, 9]) without spoiling Lyman-alpha and CMB observations.”

My note. We have redshifts 3 x 10^6 and 3500 for z values here. The postulated redshift for the origin of the CMBR is about 1100, z=3500, the universe age then could be 48,772 years old after the BB event using H0 69 km/s/Mpc and cosmology calculators. What the paper shows, there are more epochs in BB cosmology with much larger redshifts than 1100 for the origin of the CMBR. BB cosmology and modeling is very flexible :) Now we can know for sure how we evolved from a tiny area into such a large universe, filled with much dark matter too 😊
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The space.com report here does point to more fine-tuning problems when explaining how the Universe evolved naturally via the probability creation story. "A finely tuned mechanism The researchers found a model of dark energy that performed the trifecta."

The other report cited in post #2 has fine-tuning problems too. How many fine-tuning problems are now known in science and where are they all listed, shown clearly to the public?
Mar 7, 2023
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The Big Bang Beginning / Planck / Infinity Horizon is a continuing constant, being also the collapsed horizon of infinity . . . non-local universal horizon always there like the infinities of black hole horizons at the other end of local-finite bracketing that, singularly, would be the closing black hole crunch mentioned . . . is the constant of the singular black hole crunch mentioned. A lot of physicists cannot stomach the physic, or the physics, of infinity and continuance, an eternal constant of infinity and continuance and cycling / recycling turn (verse) . . . the uninterruptable circle of turns (verses) without any, without a "single", end: but, again, with plurality of paralleling 'black hole' ends continuing to infinity and eternity (infinities of finite-local spokes [holing] to the 'white hole' hub-constant of a non-local Big Bang Beginning / Planck / Infinity Horizon).

They seem to just have to have it a naked singularity of string stringing out. No paralleling at all, much less an infinity and eternity of paralleling. A constant of 'white hole' Big Bang Beginning, a constant of paralleling black hole ends (a constant of black hole end). A constant of brackets bracketing Hawking's "life zone" (the paralleling infinities of Hawking's "life zones').

Our whole universe is already the vertical constant (as opposed to the constant of 'horizontal' infinitely flat universe) of one big 'black hole' . . . vertically the largest black hole of them all (and, per Chaos Theory, as to infinite vertical "zoom" levels of it, even it parallels (vertically) . . . there being no limit to detached (as opposed to attached) acceleration (+) / deceleration (-) . . . (+/- 'c').
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Mar 7, 2023
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The origin of our universe:
It's a three-dimensional “wrapping” around a four-dimensional black hole's event horizon. What we see is the 4D reality in 3 dimensions.
Scientists have proposed a way that the universe could stop expanding, ending in a 'Big Crunch' that resets space and time as we know it.

Dark energy could lead to a second (and third, and fourth) Big Bang, new research suggests : Read more

"our universe will eventually expand into oblivion, with all matter and radiation torn apart. "

All information I have found on the expansion of our universe specifically states that space within the bounds of gravitational systems like galaxies or even galaxy clusters is not expanding.

This means that, no, all matter and radiation will not be torn apart unless you have an example of space accelerating apart within the gravitational influence of galaxy clusters or within galaxies.

I am amazed at the state of our sciences these days. Everyone has a different theory, and half the time they don't jive with what we already know.
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There are dozens of DE theories, and most have clever names. The problem is that we don't yet know what DE is, so the best these theories can offer are predictions that can be tested to help us get closer to what it actually is.

This "proposal" seems very suppositional. But, if the expansion rate did vary dramatically and at different times, there should be ways to test for it. The Lyman-alpha Forest is one possible test, but finding their distance would be very difficult, I assume.

It would help explain the relatively small difference between the two values for the H-L constant since the slower rate was found from the CMBR from 13.8 billion year ago, and the faster rate established as today's rate.

I'm doubtful their capricious view of DE explains the difference.
Mar 7, 2023
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Scientists have proposed a way that the universe could stop expanding, ending in a 'Big Crunch' that resets space and time as we know it.

Dark energy could lead to a second (and third, and fourth) Big Bang, new research suggests : Read more

methinks it's more likely that existing forces continue unchanged..

and Dark-Energy will force expansion of Space-Time until light flatlines as it reaches Planck length scale from Red-Shift. At that moment, this universe begins to crack. Eventually (after all energy is gone) it evaporates completely -- returning to the nothing it came from.
methinks it's more likely that existing forces continue unchanged..

and Dark-Energy will force expansion of Space-Time until light flatlines as it reaches Planck length scale from Red-Shift. At that moment, this universe begins to crack. Eventually (after all energy is gone) it evaporates completely -- returning to the nothing it came from.
It won't 'evaporate'. The 'void', the 'vacuum', the 'nothing', it turns out, is itself entirely mass . . . and energy, a black [hole] quality universe. It is always light filled, always overloaded with light, and thus always mostly dark to any local observation of it. It is allotropic / metamorphic / transformable physics. One should study and think on 'Chaos Theory' a little more. The universe is -- the infinities of universes are -- utterly disordered, nothing but the debris field of the largest black [hole] of them all . . . and, thus, utterly ordered; very [well] ordered. Think about the "zoom" in, and the "zoom" out, and universes, and universe horizons, and black [hole] horizons, that are never frozen photo still local black hole horizon spoke to non-local Big Bang / Planck/ Infinity Horizon hub white hole. And vice-versa, in-turn, white hole rim horizon to black hole hub horizon via Hawking "life zone" spoke. Or the circle, the curvature, the spiraling, life zone to the duality of the two holes that are diametrically opposite side of the circle, the curving, the spiraling. There are many ways to see a work always in progress.
Mar 7, 2023
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Space-Time will evaporate metaphorically, in that it is a relative construct... consider that this universe arises from 'math'. In our universe, everything is 'relative'. There is no perceived existence without it being relative to some prior perceived existence. From pure nothing, set theory shows the route to Infinity via potential: You get there from the empty-set=0, the set containing the empty set=1, the set containing that=2, and so on. Infinity emerges from nothing using math. Next imagine the infinity relative to itself, and those infinities relative to each other.. for infinity. Higher 'levels' of infinity emerge. Inside these imagined potential infinities, there are subsets, patterns if you will, that consist of portions that follow any set of arbitrary 'rules.' One such subset is the 'universe' where the subset of relative infinities is taken from what we call 'physical laws' as the 'rules'. This subset is purely imaginary; however, following the 'relative' path, we see our exact universe, including you and me emerge from that. All possible universe configurations exist purely via relative 'math' of infinite infinities. Using this logic, you find that all possible data configurations are possible (e.g Hilbert Space emerges), and every possible 'universe' (the multiverse) emerges as a different subset with a different set of arbitrary rules. All universes are subsets of the infinite 'everything' potential. Next imagine our universe's true form is as a wave-pattern potential. I like to think of it this way: there exists a background as an all-encompassing "wave" of every possible potential next-state and every possible pattern. Inside that wave you will find the pattern of this universe. Now also imagine consciousness as a pattern in the wave. And think of your entire life as one of the "paths we surf" on a small portion of the wave. The path is not real. The wave potential is not real either. Using this approach it is easy to see that all universes (for all levels and every type of physics) arise from pure nothing. Time does not exist, except as an illusion. The path you surf (every moment of your life) is always there. And ultimately, we are just patterns in an imaginary math pattern simulation. There can be no such thing as true 'death.' Your 'pattern', like the number 3, is based on relative math potentials and not any imagined reality, so the implication is that it must always exist.
Mar 8, 2023
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أDark matter is an anomaly that may lead to either a great development or an end. It seems to be a substance that defies time and space. This is what leads to the contraction of a certain part of the expanding universe, as if it is a substance that easily breaks the laws of the universe.
The long and the short of it is that in the biggest picture of things, as in the smallest picture, the big mistake is to have one follow the other when one [is] the other forever and always. There is no one [following] the other!!! That's Chaos Theory's "zoom picture" (zoom out / zoom in) realization and it is the right picture . . . the right realization.