DART's epic asteroid crash: What NASA has learned 5 months later

There is an odd sentence in this article which states:

"The team also found that DART's crash did not change Didymos' orbital period around the asteroid duo's center of mass, which is still 2.26 hours."

That seems extremely inconsistent with the orbital period of Dimorphos, which was 11 hours 55 minutes before DART impact and 11 hours 23 minutes after impact.

Considering that the center of mass is located on a line beween the centers of the 2 bodies, I don't see how they can "orbit" that in 2 different frequencies at the same time. And, if DART changed one frequency, it seems it must change the other, as well.

Edit: Frankly, I was wondering if that sentence should have been about not altering the double asteroid's orbital period around the sun. But, I am seeing numbers like 2.11 years for that.

Looking further, it appears that the 2.26 hour number is the period of rotation for Dimorphos, not its orbital period.
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Question: Was the article written by:

- A human who was not paying attention. Spell check didn't catch it since"orbital" is spelled correctly. Human not submitting their stories for checking over by a chatbot?

- A chatbot who is incorrectly quoting a human who got it wrong? And the journalist does not check chatbot output before publishing?
There is an odd sentence in this article which states:

"The team also found that DART's crash did not change Didymos' orbital period around the asteroid duo's center of mass, which is still 2.26 hours."

That seems extremely inconsistent with the orbital period of Dimorphos, which was 11 hours 55 minutes before DART impact and 11 hours 23 minutes after impact.

Considering that the center of mass is located on a line beween the centers of the 2 bodies, I don't see how they can "orbit" that in 2 different frequencies at the same time. And, if DART changed one frequency, it seems it must change the other, as well.

Edit: Frankly, I was wondering if that sentence should have been about not altering the double asteroid's orbital period around the sun. But, I am seeing numbers like 2.11 years for that.

Looking further, it appears that the 2.26 hour number is the period of rotation for Dimorphos, not its orbital period.
Yep, that would explain the hiccup.

Nevertheless, would the larger Didymos not take a little time to speed up around the new c.g.? That's a lot of mass to accelerate by little Didymos? Just curious since it looks like a rare example of sudden instability for what was a stable orbital period.
I don't think it takes much time to equlibrate - except for the ejecta changing position around the 2 main bodies. The 2 main bodies are acting pretty much instantaneously to each other's positions in space and their own velocities.

In this case, the smaller object was slowed a little at a point in its circular orbit, so it went into an eliptical orbit with the impact position as its fathest point and a slightly closer point on the opposite sided of its orbit.

To the extent that the lighter body can affect the orbit of the heavier body, the heavier body would also be expected to have its orbit around their center of mass become a bit eliptical and have a corresponging period, which is shortened.

That assumes that the loose ejecta doesn't have any effect on either orbit, once it's ejection momentum is factored into the smaller body's change in its orbit.

However, there was a previous thread where a poster claimed that the "rubble pile" consitencey of the target body was altered such that its optical center was no longer its center of mass. He insisted that was the reason that the orbital period of the target body appeared to be changed by as much as reported then.

More recent reporting seems to indicate that the change in orbital period was 33 minutes instead of 32 minutes. It would be nice to know if that is due to continued observations of the eclipse period, or just refinements of the initial observation data.
Considering just the two bodies, it doesn’t make sense that Didymos would not have the same orbital about the barycenter as Dimorphos. But, it does make sense that since the DART impactor hit on the prograde facing side that the debris cloud being ejected at high speed would go into a slightly higher orbit than Dimorphos and most of it is still in local orbit, therefore the total system mass is almost the same as it was. Dimorphos was slowed down a bit from the impact placing it in a bit lower orbit, making its period 32 or 33 minutes less. It would be interesting if the debris would coalesce into another moon. Much like our moon.
I don't think we have a very precise understanding of the debris material(s) or position(s), at this time.

There seems to be some debris that was of low enough mass to have been pushed far from the impacted objects by the solar wind, creating a visible tail like that of a comet. So, that is probably not gravitationally bound to the 2 main bodies, at this time.

Do we have any better info on heavier debris that might have stayed in orbits around the two asteroids? It is easy to speculate a lot of scenarios, but what we need is observations to decide which scenario(s) is(are) actually happening.

Edit: Well, here is another Space.com article that gives more info about the behavior of the ejecta: https://www.space.com/hubble-space-telescope-dart-asteroid-collision-dust . It seems that some is in orbits. We really need better resolution pictures.
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Nov 10, 2020
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I don't think we have a very precise understanding of the debris material(s) or position(s), at this time.

There seems to be some debris that was of low enough mass to have been pushed far from the impacted objects by the solar wind, creating a visible tail like that of a comet. So, that is probably not gravitationally bound to the 2 main bodies, at this time.

Do we have any better info on heavier debris that might have stayed in orbits around the two asteroids? It is easy to speculate a lot of scenarios, but what we need is observations to decide which scenario(s) is(are) actually happening.

Edit: Well, here is another Space.com article that gives more info about the behavior of the ejecta: https://www.space.com/hubble-space-telescope-dart-asteroid-collision-dust . It seems that some is in orbits. We really need better resolution pictures.
Based on the images that the cube sat camera that got released before the impact to see the results up close the dynamics in the impacted body the brief glimpses of post impact behavior were definitely far more complex with what look to be eruptions of material appearing to radiate out all over the asteroid rubble pile albeit with different frequencies across the body, altogether a very turbulent fluid deformation.
Feb 2, 2023
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Familiarity with the articles recently published in Nature and arXiv, which discuss the results of the DART mission, reveals the following. Firstly, the key data interpretations and the validity of the conclusions are not convincing without taking into account the results of direct ground-based observations of the collision process and the subsequent ejection of the comparatively large asteroid fragments. Among the published results of such direct observations, the most informative data is contained in a video animation compiled from a large series of photographs obtained using the telescope of the University of Hawaii in South Africa. Particularly, see the second part of the video, around the 50th second:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfqVqOl9S9w

An analysis of this 500-fold time-compressed video animation provides evidence that the decrease in the asteroid's orbital period declared by the authors of the above articles, which follows from photometric observations of mutual occultations-eclipses and radar data, may have an alternative explanation. Specifically, it could be a consequence of geometric-photometric distortions caused by the essential asymmetric increase of the observed Dimorphos's size, which remained unchanged, while the small-sized component of the wide fan-shaped ejecta continued to move away. Since the brightness and scale of the background star images did not change, the metamorphosis of the asteroid's image cannot be attributed to inaccuracies or errors. This phenomenon is the appearance of an asymmetric and optically dense "cloud" of mini-satellites in orbits around Dimorphos, into which relatively larger fragments ejected at lower velocities turned.

Observations of only two successive occultations-eclipses during Dimorphos's orbital semi-period (Thomas et al., 2023) are able to create the illusion of a shortening of its orbital period due to the displacement of the photometric center of the distorted asteroid image relative to its center of mass. Estimates of the orbital period of the "cloud" of mini-satellites located at heights of several tens of meters above the surface of Dimorphos (according to the video animation) lead to its values being several times larger than the orbital period of the asteroid itself. Therefore, during these events, occurring about 6 hours apart, the "cloud" of mini-satellites will be located on opposite sides of the asteroid most of the time, which is moving in opposite visible directions. Finally, according to estimates, this should manifest as an opposite temporal shift in the positions of the brightness minima. The summarized shift will be close to the declared decrease in the orbital period of Dimorphos. Conversely, when using observational data of the same type occultations-eclipses, occurring only once during its orbital period, such a relative shift is unlikely, despite the presence of a distorting asymmetry in the visible image of the asteroid.

Additionally, the assertion that the ejection was much more efficient in transferring the pushing impulse compared to the actual impact also raises doubts. According to Li et al. (2023) and the above video animation, the mean initial speed of the wide fan-shaped ejection was around several meters per second. Therefore, with an estimated total ejecta mass of up to 1 million kg, its momentum was comparable to the impactor's. Moreover, it is clear that only a small area near the impact direction (i.e., close to the axis of the ejection cone) can effectively act on an asteroid. At the same time, the rest of the ejecta regions significantly compensated for each other's impulse transfer abilities, which is problematic in itself for a totally inelastic collision with a loose rubble pile asteroid.

In summary, at this point, the success of this generally complex and beautiful space experiment can be considered questionable in terms of its main stated goals. The interpretation of the photometric and radar observations in the published articles lacks the consideration of the direct ground-based observations of the collision process and the subsequent ejection of asteroid fragments, which are crucial for understanding the observed effects. The evidence provided by the video animation suggests an alternative explanation for the decrease in the asteroid's orbital period. The assertion that the ejection was much more efficient in transferring the pushing impulse than the actual impact also raises doubts. These issues highlight the need for further investigation and the integration of all available data for a comprehensive understanding of the DART mission's results.
It seems strange to me that there are not more data than 2 initial observations on the mutual eclipses of Didymos and Dimorphos following the DART impact.

Have you looked for more data to support your theory?

And, do you have any more detailed explanation of how the ejecta should behave? Your description seems to lack orbital mechanics considerations for physically unattached material "in orbit" around Dimorphos, as well as the tidal effects due to the orbit of Dimorphos and its gravity-bound ejecta around Didymos.

I would think that we should be able to predict the times of exlipses as seen from Earth, and look for a slowing over an extended period of time, rather than simply look at the timing for a single pair of eclispes.
Feb 2, 2023
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In general, I agree with you. But the answers to your questions require computer simulations for the «many-body problem». This can be done by colleagues who, unlike me, have access to all routine observational data. As for using data of the same type of eclipses or occultations, it seems that it was difficult to do it during one night, since the interval between these events is about 12 hours. On the other hand, among the authors there are employees of observatories who have a global network of robotic telescopes, with the help of which it is possible to carry out long-term observations continuously. So, questions remain...
Likely the problem is the difficulty of observations from Earth, suitable orbital positions, and the thousands of projects vying for time sharing on comparatively few instruments.
It’s a shame they could not have sent a piggy-back mission to arrive just before the test impact to go into a wide orbit of the D-D system to monitor the mission impact, and the system for some time afterward; a bird’s eye view, if you will.