Dead Cassini spacecraft could solve mystery of Saturn's hot atmosphere

May 8, 2020
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My advice is that Saturn's Cassini atmosphere probe will never happen again in fact I doubt that any one will be going to Saturn , leaving anything on Saturn . and any future development will not go to Saturn . what I want you to think about is this, every time we send something to another planet we send tiny little viruses to other worlds. and if ever there was life and it worked out we sent this probe to another world as an example I can only imagine what would happen to a lesser creature. so I would say never again will a probe be sent into any atmosphere based on the act is considered dangerous . the next development right now being made to go to Saturn as far as I ma concerned is cancelled and anyone endangering earth will be treated as earths enemy.
May 8, 2020
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My advice is that Saturn's Cassini atmosphere probe will never happen again in fact I doubt that any one will be going to Saturn , leaving anything on Saturn . and any future development will not go to Saturn . what I want you to think about is this, every time we send something to another planet we send tiny little viruses to other worlds. and if ever there was life and it worked out we sent this probe to another world as an example I can only imagine what would happen to a lesser creature. so I would say never again will a probe be sent into any atmosphere based on the act is considered dangerous . the next development right now being made to go to Saturn as far as I ma concerned is cancelled and anyone endangering earth will be treated as earths enemy.

Hmmm, I think we will send spacecraft to other atmospheres. Due to our increasing demand for resources, what is to stop us from finding them? Keep in mind probes/robots can be sterilized too. So, I think we will send numerous probes/spacecraft to other planets.
May 8, 2020
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Ok so what I am saying is that we need to rethink everything about what we think we are doing.
If another lifeform could exist them it will be treated as another (does) exist.
and that environment must be protected and respected.
We have enough knowledge to know what can happen with contaminates in one form or another.
It would be prudent to start to build a 100 metre or 200m metre telescope for space .
As it is responsible and reasonable with any future space plans to be able to see what is going on other worlds.
that will include all future plans even ones that are up to an including almost ready to go will be cancelled until further notice. Sending anything form now on will be considered an act crime against humanity until humanity gives the OK . anyone sending anything any where will now have to ask and if this does not happen god help us for what we have done! any questions.
May 8, 2020
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Ok so what I am saying is that we need to rethink everything about what we think we are doing.
If another lifeform could exist them it will be treated as another (does) exist.
and that environment must be protected and respected.
We have enough knowledge to know what can happen with contaminates in one form or another.
It would be prudent to start to build a 100 metre or 200m metre telescope for space .
As it is responsible and reasonable with any future space plans to be able to see what is going on other worlds.
that will include all future plans even ones that are up to an including almost ready to go will be cancelled until further notice. Sending anything form now on will be considered an act crime against humanity until humanity gives the OK . anyone sending anything any where will now have to ask and if this does not happen god help us for what we have done! any questions.

Thank you for clarifying! I was a bit asleep when I read your reply. I only have one question: since humans can have bad reactions to alien life, don't you think it'd be safe if we kept quiet about them? I really enjoy thinking about the possibility of meeting extraterrestrial life, but there may be other people who'll ruin the experience. And that would be horrible for the people who just want to seem them.
May 8, 2020
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Ok so what I am saying is that we need to rethink everything about what we think we are doing.
If another lifeform could exist them it will be treated as another (does) exist.
and that environment must be protected and respected.
We have enough knowledge to know what can happen with contaminates in one form or another.
It would be prudent to start to build a 100 metre or 200m metre telescope for space .
As it is responsible and reasonable with any future space plans to be able to see what is going on other worlds.
that will include all future plans even ones that are up to an including almost ready to go will be cancelled until further notice. Sending anything form now on will be considered an act crime against humanity until humanity gives the OK . anyone sending anything any where will now have to ask and if this does not happen god help us for what we have done! any questions.

I actually have another question: is that the James Webb Telescope in your profile picture?
May 8, 2020
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ok at this stage keeping quiet makes no sense as the sun is orange the last phase of our sun we must grow up and see the future for what it is. there is no more time to muck around with what people think the truth is just the truth serves . if there are aliens then there are aliens . it is not cloak and dagger it is we must be able to live with that .
May 8, 2020
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ok at this stage keeping quiet makes no sense as the sun is orange the last phase of our sun we must grow up and see the future for what it is. there is no more time to muck around with what people think the truth is just the truth serves . if there are aliens then there are aliens . it is not cloak and dagger it is we must be able to live with that .

The Sun isn't actually orange; it's white. I know that we must live with the aliens (assuming there are), but what happens when a human does something wrong and ruins it for everybody else? You still haven't answered that question.
Feb 8, 2020
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The inference in this quote "helped scientists to study how electric currents from Saturn's auroras heats the planet's upper atmosphere, generating the solar wind. " is incorrect as the solar wind is the suns positive ions being attracted from the star to the negative charged enclosures of planetary matter. The planet is linked to the magnetically and spins due to the magnoflux spin effect.