Defining Happiness, Joy & Bliss - 3 Different Energies

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<br />Happiness, Joy and Bliss are three words that describe three very different levels of energy.<br /> <br />Joy is beyond Happiness, and Bliss exceeds the combined energies of both Happiness and Joy.<br /> <br />Most people know, or have known, a level of Happiness in their life. While many people can relate to being happy some of the time, few individuals have experienced, for more than brief periods of time, the energies that exist beyond Happiness.<br /> <br />The energies of Joy come from the Angelic 4th dimension of Heaven. Joy occurs during those special moments in life, when the energies of Love become so intense and overwhelming that people are moved to “tears of Joy”, while others “dance/jump with Joy”, and a few kick their legs in sheer delight because of the wonders contained in the Angelic energies of Joy.<br /> <br />Bliss is an Archangelic energy. Bliss is the energy of the 5th dimensional Archangelic level of Heaven. Bliss cannot be described in 3rd dimensional words. Bliss can only be experienced.<br /> <br />Our human body is capable of receiving, but not generating, energy levels beyond Happiness. Only one’s Soul, or pineal gland, is capable of generating and working with the enhanced energies of 4th dimensional Angelic Joy and 5th dimensional Archangelic Bliss.<br /> <br />The pineal gland is called the Soul, or mind, in the west and the 3rd Eye in the east. The pea-sized, pine cone-shaped pineal gland is located in the center of our brain. The pineal gland, or Soul, connects our 3rd dimensional temporary human physical body with our permanent Angelic 4th dimensional Light Body, or Holy Spirit. <br /> <br />We are born as Individualized Consciousnesses into 4th dimensional Light Bodies, or Holy Spirits. One remains in their 4th dimensional Angelic Light Body, or Holy Spirit, until one decides to become an Archangel. The only way an Angel can become an Archangel, is to experience, and graduate from, the 3rd dimension. <br /> <br />Thus, one descends, or falls,


sigh... <br /><br /> so much for the dopamine level release hypothesis<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <em>"<font color="#333399">An organism at war with itself is a doomed organism." - Carl Sagan</font></em> </div>
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