Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) Fusion Systems for Space Propulsion

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This might sound like a SB&T topic, but i doubt it's there yet, so i'm posting it here, with a hope for a more informed scrutiny.

from : Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) Fusion Systems for Space Propulsion
There were a studies published in 2006 and 2008 that looked at making a fusion rocket using dense plasma focus and air-breathing MHD propulsion. These system proposals would work even if Lawrenceville Plasma physics does not succeed with dense plasma focus fusion and does not include the weight improvements of better ultracapacitors that appears to be likely in the next five years.


from : Advancements in Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) for Space Propulsion (pdf)


The required pulse power, energy, and voltage are 800 MW, 80 MJ, and 400 kV. The estimated DPF mass is 16 tons. An increase in Isp will heighten the payload capacity of a mission, making an increase in Isp desirable. For instance, to increase the specific impulse to 2000 s, the mass propellant mass flow rate would need to be decreased by 55% and the bank energy increased to 120 MJ. The corresponding DPF mass is approximated to be 24 tons. Similarly, for a 1000 kN thrust level, with an Isp of 2000 s, the DPF mass would be 48 tons. Lower thrust levels and higher specific impulses can be obtained by varying.

from presentation in the article :
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