Destroying the concept of time travel

Jul 29, 2020
Time Travel is false........

It's simple physics... The earth the Galaxy the soler system.... Are counenitously moving in very high speed.... This means the time and place... Are Million to millions from second to second apart.

... Simple example if you are here now... You are millions time and place away next second.


1.the cosmos is continuing expanding

2.the Galaxy is continuing moving

3.the soler system is continuing moving

4.the earth it self is continuing orbiting and rotating.
So if you could travel to any moment in the past... You end-up somewhere in dark cold universe.....

I hope I didn't break anyone childhoods, adulthood wish of travel back in time.... As mean was shattered


Apr 1, 2020
One would think that if you figured out how to travel back in time, you would also take into account how to travel through space. Say I wanted to travel back to November 5, 1955. I would also calculate the Earth's position in the universe at that particular date and time.

-Wolf sends
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Mar 5, 2020
I think that time travel makes all other physics impossible.

No matter what kind of physics may drive a particular universe, if the next event cannot be predicted from the previous event, then you have chaos.

The manual for the Time Machine that I have doesn’t have a date of printing. It is written in the language of anyone who attempts to read it. The front page is signed “The Morning Star”.

It would seem that all Time Machines have the same destination.
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"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
Well, first point, we know that it is possible to travel to future (Relativity). We know that it is possible to stop time (Blackholes). Just the thing is, we don't know how to travel back. Otherwise, time travel is possible. Solved. Simple.
[This thread reminded me to add a signature.]

The traditional concept that time can be treated separately from space seems to be a mistaken one. SR demonstrates, apparently, that they are inseparable.

One way to see this, perhaps, is to see that one has a choice to use either length contraction or time dilation (never both) to calculate the spaceships clock time to arrive at a distant star when traveling at a large fraction of the speed of light.
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Oct 25, 2019
Time travel just does not exist except in the movies but not in real life Theres a street in Liverpool UK called Bold Street & people have claimed they trvelld back in time but only for a split second because they witnessed people in victorian clothing -cobbled street then a sudden return to the present - On making an enquiry about this at Liverpool Tourist Board they confirmed there is no evidence of this happening otherwise it wouldv been recorded into their history books & put in their tourist maps
Jun 1, 2020
I have read that electrons travel backwards in time "all the time". So, I'll just say they do it early and often. Perhaps another disconnect of gravity-space time with quantum mechanics.
I suspect that if you're much larger than an electron, efforts to do other than travel forwards in time will be fruitless. Dark energy, time and entropy appear to be tied at the hip so to speak. Thermodynamics says entropy of a closed system (universe, if it is closed) always increases.
I have read that electrons travel backwards in time "all the time". So, I'll just say they do it early and often. Perhaps another disconnect of gravity-space time with quantum mechanics.
I suspect that if you're much larger than an electron, efforts to do other than travel forwards in time will be fruitless. Dark energy, time and entropy appear to be tied at the hip so to speak. Thermodynamics says entropy of a closed system (universe, if it is closed) always increases.
Think of it as traveling forward in space, time just relative to the distance you traveled at what speed.
When you move at any speed it takes time to do that and faster you go more space you cover and less time it takes.
Can we travel backwards in space? Probably impossible since not moving at all will result in normal time and space and moving backwards through quantum fluctuation seem impossible.
When we go to another star at near light speed do we really travel in time or location/time?
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Mar 19, 2020
Time Travel is false........

Actually there is one form of time machine.

It is composed of a telescope, a clear night, and preferably some way to capture images to a film or processor. The best we can do in time travel is look back in time at the expanding universe and try to figure out what it is all about. A telescope is certainly a time machine, just too bad it is static.

Maybe someone clever can figure out how to convert a telescopic time machine into an operational instrument, and at least allow us to go back in time. The smart money is betting heavy on a negative for that one, but one can never know how smart some people are.....
Dec 11, 2019
Time Travel is false........

It's simple physics... The earth the Galaxy the soler system.... Are counenitously moving in very high speed.... This means the time and place... Are Million to millions from second to second apart.

... Simple example if you are here now... You are millions time and place away next second.


1.the cosmos is continuing expanding

2.the Galaxy is continuing moving

3.the soler system is continuing moving

4.the earth it self is continuing orbiting and rotating.
So if you could travel to any moment in the past... You end-up somewhere in dark cold universe.....

I hope I didn't break anyone childhoods, adulthood wish of travel back in time.... As mean was shattered

"If one were to depart from the earth in a spaceship that could accelerate continuously at a comfortable one g (an acceleration that would produce a force equal to the gravity at the earth's surface), one would begin to approach the speed of light relative to the earth within about a year. As the ship continued to accelerate, it would come ever closer to the speed of light, and its clocks would appear to run at an ever slower rate relative to the earth. Under such circumstances, a round trip to the center of our galaxy and back to the earth--a distance of some 60,000 light-years--could be completed in only a little more than 40 years of ship time. Upon arriving back at the earth, the astronaut would be only 40 years older, while 60,000 years would have passed on the earth."
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May 30, 2020
If you could travel back in time you would not be going back to this universe rather another universe according to the Quantum Relm as e know it.
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Jun 1, 2020
Time travel just does not exist except in the movies but not in real life Theres a street in Liverpool UK called Bold Street & people have claimed they trvelld back in time but only for a split second because they witnessed people in victorian clothing -cobbled street then a sudden return to the present - On making an enquiry about this at Liverpool Tourist Board they confirmed there is no evidence of this happening otherwise it wouldv been recorded into their history books & put in their tourist maps
Reminds me of "The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" by D. Adams.
Post cards of the Cathedral at Chatham being very valuable. Never built because of pushing back the start construction date of an ion mill.:yum:
Time seems to be one of the least understood parameters in physics.

But, we seem to be making some progress. Consider:


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The shift we see from distant stars is not because space is expanding. It's because the space is being modulated.

What? Light is intermittent and has a duty cycle. When the emitter space width modulates the duty cycle. SPACE WIDTH MODULATION. Crazy ain't it? With detector motion, the signal is frequency modulated.

Let's confirm light first before we time travel. You can calculate emitter V with this info. And also detector V.

These will be absolute Vs.
Time seems to be one of the least understood parameters in physics.

But, we seem to be making some progress. Consider:


Interesting. This seems to be some sort of occasional time hiccup that happens randomly, or can they induce it?

How does the conservation of energy work here if all the photons blueshift due to the time hiccup? Perhaps each photon is bumped in frequency (thus energy) at the expense of the loss of other photons.
Oct 31, 2022
if we can't travel through time, how did i get here?

i was born in the past millions of miles from where i am now. How is that possible?


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