Dew shield

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Well I went out last night and used the scope. The arrow keys worked this time. I don't have a dew shield yet so I only had about 30 min. I did look at Saturn witch was awesome. I was using the eye piece that came with the scope 26mm so that's around 117X. I have the 2x powermate but didn't have time to be running in side. Orion's nebula was Beautiful. I looked for a few more nebula's and tried to find some galaxies but every time I pressed goto it would point toward the house. Owell next time maybe ill try another place to set up. Should I get a dew shield, dew heater, or both? Thanks


Try a dew shield first. You are in Florida and heaters are usually for dew that will change to ice. I'm in Arizona and I get dew up in the mountains sometimes, just a shield works for me. (I made my own dew shield) If it's cold enough to ice over it's time to break out the Glenfiddich and talk stars.<br /><br />Besides even if you get the heater later having a shield is nice for public astronomy, it keeps the kids hands off the front of the scope. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1" color="#3366ff"></font> </div>


good Idea about keeping the kids away with the dew shield.
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