Dipolar Electromagetic Condensate

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[Submitted on 9 Aug 2024]

On the Origin of Magnetar Fields: Chiral Magnetic Instability in Neutron Star Crusts​

Clara Dehman, José A. Pons
We investigate the chiral magnetic instability in the crust of a neutron star as a potential mechanism for amplifying magnetic fields. This instability may become active when small deviations from chemical equilibrium are sustained over decades, driven by the star's gradual spin-down or residual heat loss. Our findings suggest that this mechanism can produce strong, large-scale magnetic fields consistent with models that align with observational data. Additionally, this instability naturally generates magnetic helicity in the star's crust, which is crucial for forming and maintaining strong dipolar toroidal fields, often invoked to explain magnetar observational phenomena. Our results offer a microphysically-based alternative to classical hydrodynamical dynamos for the origin of magnetar magnetic fields, addressing a long-standing debate in the field.
[Submitted on 16 Aug 2024]

Reality of Inverse Cascading in Neutron Star Crusts​

Clara Dehman, Axel Brandenburg
The braking torque that dictates the timing properties of magnetars is closely tied to the large-scale dipolar magnetic field on their surface. The formation of this field has been a topic of ongoing debate. One proposed mechanism, based on macroscopic principles, involves an inverse cascade within the neutron star's crust. However, this phenomenon has not been observed in realistic simulations. In this study, we provide compelling evidence supporting the feasibility of the inverse cascading process in the presence of an initial helical magnetic field within realistic neutron star crusts and discuss its contribution to the amplification of the large-scale magnetic field. Our findings, derived from a systematic investigation that considers various coordinate systems, peak wavenumber positions, crustal thicknesses, magnetic boundary conditions, and magnetic Lundquist numbers, reveal that the specific geometry of the crustal domain - with its extreme aspect ratio - requires an initial peak wavenumber from small-scale structures for the inverse cascade to occur. However, this extreme aspect ratio limits the inverse cascade to magnetic field structures on scales comparable to the neutron star's crust, making the formation of a large-scale dipolar surface field unlikely. Despite this limitation, the inverse cascade can significantly impact the magnetic field evolution in the interior of the crust, potentially explaining the observed characteristics of highly magnetized objects with weak surface dipolar fields, such as low-field magnetars or central compact objects.
Hello Atlan
I know what I'm talking about.
We are at the steps of understanding.
The model is not mine.
I give credit to those scientists who have done research for years.
So do I, Harry, particularly Planck, Einstein and Hawking, Schrodinger and Heisenberg, but it's still my model, my own mind's eye build and picture.
I understand

Atlan said
So do I, Harry, particularly Planck, Einstein and Hawking, Schrodinger and Heisenberg, but it's still my model, my own mind's eye build and picture.
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To understand dipolar jets, scientists are experimenting to find ways of creating and controlling them, which may lead to the ultimate fuel in space travel.
Dipolar jets are found at the center of the Milkyway.
M87 the dipolar jet goes for 100,000 light years.

[Submitted on 19 Aug 2024 (v1), last revised 28 Aug 2024 (this version, v2)]

Topological phase transitions in perovskite superlattices driven by temperature, electric field, and doping​

Jiyuan Yang, Shi Liu
Many dipolar topological structures have been experimentally demonstrated in (PbTiO3)n/(SrTiO3)n superlattices, such as flux-closure, vortice, and skyrmion
Porphyrion"s Giat Jet Blasts are not created by infall pressure.

Yes, stars and galaxies are pulled to the core and broken down to quantum matter forming part of a giant Condensate that creates stable dipolar moments. The vector fields form a stable jet lasting over 23 million years. The matter comes from the core and not from the external turbulence as noted in the Youtube report.

Well that is my opinion.
The Dipolar Electro-magnetic jets are a common property of all Transient Condensates. Transient phases from Atomic to Neutron to quark, partonic to Axion, etc. The greater the compaction the greater the jets formed.

[Submitted on 3 May 2024 (v1), last revised 24 Aug 2024 (this version, v2)]

Jetlike structures in low-mass binary neutron star merger remnants​

Jamie Bamber, Antonios Tsokaros, Milton Ruiz, Stuart L. Shapiro
GW170817 and GRB 170817A provided direct evidence that binary neutron star (NSNS) mergers can produce short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs). However, questions remain about the nature of the central engine. Depending on the mass, the remnant from a NSNS merger may promptly collapse to a black hole (BH), form a hypermassive neutron star (HMNS) which undergoes a delayed collapse to a BH, a supramassive neutron star (SMNS) with a much longer lifetime, or an indefinitely stable NS. There is strong evidence that a BH with an accretion disk can launch a sGRB-compatible jet via the Blandford-Znajek mechanism, but whether a supramassive star can do the same is less clear. We have performed general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics simulations of the merger of both irrotational and spinning, equal-mass NSNSs constructed from a piecewise polytropic representation of the SLy equation of state, with a range of gravitational masses that yield remnants with mass above and below the supramassive limit. Each NS is endowed with a dipolar magnetic field extending from the interior into the exterior, as in a radio pulsar. We examine cases with different initial binary masses, including a case which produces a HMNS which collapses to a BH, and lower mass binaries that produce SMNS remnants. We find similar jetlike structures for both the SMNS and HMNS remnants that meet our basic critera for an incipient jet. The outflow for the HMNS case is consistent with a Blandford-Znajek (BZ) jet. There is sufficient evidence that such BZ-powered outflows can break out and produce ulrarelativistic jets so that we can describe the HMNS system as a sGRB progenitor. However, the incipient jets from the SMNS remnants have much more baryon pollution and we see indications of inefficient acceleration and mixing with the surrounding debris. Therefore, we cannot conclude that SMNS outflows are the progenitors of sGRBs.
Exciting times in understanding dipolar magnetic fields and how dipolar jets can be formed.

[Submitted on 4 Sep 2024]

Superfluidity of dipolar excitons in a double layer of α−T3 with a mass term​

Oleg L. Berman, Godfrey Gumbs, Gabriel P. Martins, Paula Fekete
We predict Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity of dipolar excitons, formed by electron-hole pairs in spatially separated gapped hexagonal α−T3 (GHAT3) layers. In the α−T3 model, the AB-honeycomb lattice structure is supplemented with C atoms located at the centers of the hexagons in the lattice. We considered the α−T3 model in the presence of a mass term which opens a gap in the energy dispersive spectrum. The gap opening mass term, caused by a weak magnetic field, plays the role of Zeeman splitting at low magnetic fields for this pseudospin-1 system. The band structure of GHAT3 monolayers leads to the formation of two distinct types of excitons in the GHAT3 double layer. We consider two types of dipolar excitons in double-layer GHAT3: (a) ``A excitons'', which are bound states of electrons in the conduction band (CB) and holes in the intermediate band (IB) and (b) ``B excitons'', which are bound states of electrons in the CB and holes in the valence band (VB). The binding energy of A and B dipolar excitons is calculated. For a two-component weakly interacting Bose gas of dipolar excitons in a GHAT3 double layer, we obtain the energy dispersion of collective excitations, the sound velocity, the superfluid density, and the mean-field critical temperature Tc for superfluidity.
Dipolar field research is important to understand how condensates function.

[Submitted on 4 Nov 2024]

Reflections on dipolar quantum fluids​

Wilhelm Zwerger
We present a thermodynamic description of ultracold gases with dipolar interactions which properly accounts for the long-range nature and broken rotation invariance of the interactions. It involves an additional thermodynamic field conjugate to the linear extension of the gas along the direction of the dipoles. The associated uniaxial pressure shows up as a deviation from the Gibbs-Duhem relation in the density profile of a trapped gas. It has to vanish in self-bound droplets, a condition which determines the observed dependence of the aspect ratio on particle number. A tensorial generalization of the virial theorem and a number of further exact thermodynamic relations are derived. Finally, extending a model due to Nozières, a simple criterion for the freezing transition to a superfluid mass density wave is given.
The importance of dipolar fields is not to be underestimated. Its understanding can lead us to explain:
Star long Jeopardy
Star Hour Glass image
Galaxy Sprial formation and other galaxy formations.

[Submitted on 9 Nov 2024]

Magnetic interaction of stellar coronal mass ejections with close-in exoplanets: implication on planetary mass loss and Ly-α transits​

Gopal Hazra, Aline A. Vidotto, Stephen Carolan, Carolina Villarreal D'Angelo, Dúalta Ó Fionnagáin
Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) erupting from the host star are expected to have effects on the atmospheric erosion processes of the orbiting planets. For planets with a magnetosphere, the embedded magnetic field in the CMEs is thought to be the most important parameter to affect planetary mass loss. In this work, we investigate the effect of different magnetic field structures of stellar CMEs on the atmosphere of a hot Jupiter with a dipolar magnetosphere. We use a time-dependent 3D radiative magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) atmospheric escape model that self-consistently models the outflow from hot Jupiters magnetosphere and its interaction with stellar CMEs. For our study, we consider three configurations of magnetic field embedded in stellar CMEs -- (a) northward Bz component, (b) southward Bz component, and (c) radial component. {We find that both the CMEs with northward Bz component and southward Bz component increase the planetary mass-loss rate when the CME arrives from the stellar side, with the mass-loss rate remaining higher for the CME with northward Bz component until it arrives at the opposite side.} The largest magnetopause is found for the CME with a southward Bz component when the dipole and the CME magnetic field have the same direction. We also find that during the passage of a CME, the planetary magnetosphere goes through three distinct changes - (1) compressed magnetosphere, (2) enlarged magnetosphere, and (3) relaxed magnetosphere for all three considered CME configurations. We compute synthetic Ly-α transits at different times during the passage of the CMEs. The synthetic Ly-α transit absorption generally increases when the CME is in interaction with the planet for all three magnetic configurations. The maximum Ly-α absorption is found for the radial CME case when the magnetosphere is the most compressed.
The Dipolar Magnetic fields need to be understood.

[Submitted on 25 Nov 2024]

Pulse Profiles of Accreting Neutron Stars from GRMHD Simulations​

Pushpita Das, Tuomo Salmi, Jordy Davelaar, Oliver Porth, Anna Watts
The pulsed X-ray emission from the neutron star surface acts as a window to study the state of matter in the neutron star interior. For accreting millisecond pulsars, the surface X-ray emission is generated from the `hotspots', which are formed as a result of magnetically channeled accretion flow hitting the stellar surface. The emission from these hotspots is modulated by stellar rotation giving rise to pulsations. Using global three-dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations of the star-disk system, we investigate the accretion hotspots and the corresponding X-ray pulse properties of accreting millisecond pulsars with dipolar magnetic fields. The accretion spot morphologies in our simulations are entirely determined by the accretion columns and vary as a function of the stellar magnetic inclination. For lower inclinations, the hotspots are shaped like crescents around the magnetic axis. As we increase the inclination angle, the crescents transform into elongated bars close to the magnetic pole. We model the X-ray pulses resulting from the accretion hotspots using general-relativistic ray tracing calculations and quantify the root mean square variability of the pulsed signal. The pulse amplitudes obtained from our simulations usually range between 1 - 12% rms and are consistent with the values observed in accreting millisecond pulsars. We find that the turbulent accretion flow in the GRMHD simulations introduces significant broadband variability on a timescale similar to the stellar rotational period. We also explore the impact of electron scattering absorption and show that, along with being a key factor in determining the pulse characteristics, this also introduces significant additional variability and higher harmonics in the bolometric light curve of the accreting sources.
The dipolar properties are becoming very important in understanding Star and Galaxy formations.

[Submitted on 13 Dec 2024]

Existence and asymptotic properties of standing waves for dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate with rotation​

Meng-Hui Wu, Shubin Yu, Chun-Lei Tang
In this article, we study the existence and asymptotic properties of prescribed mass standing waves for the rotating dipolar Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a harmonic potential in the unstable regime. This equation arises as an effective model describing Bose-Einstein condensate of trapped dipolar quantum gases rotating at the speed Ω. To be precise, we mainly focus on the two cases: the rotational speed 0<Ω<Ω∗ and Ω=Ω∗, where Ω∗ is called a critical rotational speed. For the first case, we obtain two different standing waves, one of which is a local minimizer and can be determined as the ground state, and the other is mountain pass type. For the critical case, we rewrite the original problem as a dipole Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a constant magnetic field and partial harmonic confinement. Under this setting, a local minimizer can also be obtained, which seems to be the optimal result. Particularly, in both cases, we establish the mass collapse behavior of the local minimizers. Our results extend the work of Dinh (Lett. Math. Phys., 2022) and Luo et al. (J. Differ. Equ., 2021) to the non-axially symmetric harmonic potential, and answer the open question proposed by Dinh.
I would ask people to keep studying Dipolar Condensates.
Transient condensates from Neutron Matter to Quark Matter to Partonic Matter to Axion Matter etc.

[Submitted on 30 Dec 2024]

Z2 topological orders in kagomé dipolar systems: Feedback from Rydberg quantum simulator​

Pengwei Zhao, Gang v. Chen
The mutual feedback between quantum condensed matter and cold atom physics has been quite fruitful throughout history and continues to inspire ongoing research. Motivated by the recent activities on the quantum simulation of topological orders among the ultracold Rydberg atom arrays, we consider the possibility of searching for topological orders among the dipolar quantum magnets and polar molecules with a kagomé lattice geometry. Together with other quantum interactions such as the transverse field, the dipolar interaction endows the kagomé system with a similar structure as the Balents-Fisher-Girvin model and thus fosters the emergence of the Z2 topological orders. We construct a Z2 lattice gauge theory to access the topological ordered phase and describe the spinon and vison excitations for the Z2 topological orders. We explain the spectroscopic consequences for various quantum phases as well as the experimental detection. We further discuss the rare-earth kagomé magnets, ultracold polar molecules, and cluster Mott insulators for the physical realization.
Research into dipolar fields is needed to explain star hourglass image formation.

[Submitted on 2 Jan 2025]

Multi-Observatory Study of Young Stellar Energetic Flares (MORYSEF): No Evidence For Abnormally Strong Stellar Magnetic Fields After Powerful X-ray Flares​

Konstantin V. Getman (1), Oleg Kochukhov (2), Joe P. Ninan (3), Eric D. Feigelson (1), Vladimir S. Airapetian (4), Abygail R. Waggoner (5), L. Ilsedore Cleeves (5), Jan Forbrich (6), Sergio A. Dzib (7), Charles J. Law (5), Christian Rab (8), Daniel M. Krolikowski (9) ((1) Pennsylvania State University, (2) Uppsala University, (3) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, (4) NASA/GSFC/SEEC, (5) University of Virginia, (6) University of Hertfordshire, (7) Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie, (8) Max-Planck-Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik, (9) University of Arizona)
We explore the empirical power-law relationship between X-ray luminosity (Lx) and total surface magnetic flux (Phi), established across solar magnetic elements, time- and disk-averaged emission from the Sun, older active stars, and pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars. Previous models of large PMS X-ray flares, lacking direct magnetic field measurements, showed discrepancies from this baseline law, which MHD simulations attribute to unusually strong magnetic fields during flares. To test this, we used nearly simultaneous Chandra X-ray and HET-HPF near-infrared observations of four young Orion stars, measuring surface magnetic fields during or just after powerful PMS X-ray flares. We also modeled these PMS X-ray flares, incorporating their measured magnetic field strengths. Our findings reveal magnetic field strengths at the stellar surface typical of non-flaring PMS stars, ruling out the need for abnormally strong fields during flares. Both PMS and solar flares deviate from the Lx-Phi law, with PMS flares exhibiting a more pronounced deviation, primarily due to their much larger active regions on the surface and larger flaring loop volumes above the surface compared to their solar counterparts. These deviations likely stem from the fact that powerful flares are driven by magnetic reconnection, while baseline X-ray emission may involve less efficient mechanisms like Alfven wave heating. Our results also indicate a preference for dipolar magnetic loops in PMS flares, consistent with Zeeman-Doppler imaging of fully convective stars. This requirement for giant dipolar loops aligns with MHD predictions of strong dipoles supported by polar magnetic surface active regions in fast-rotating, fully convective stars.
So! we have dipolar fields.
The next few years are promising for research to go further.

[Submitted on 8 Jan 2025]

From proto-neutron star dynamo to low-field magnetars​

Andrei Igoshev, Paul Barrère, Raphaël Raynaud, Jérome Guilet, Toby Wood, Rainer Hollerbach
Low-field magnetars have dipolar magnetic fields that are 10-100 times weaker than the threshold, B≳1014 G, used to define classical magnetars, yet they produce similar X-ray bursts and outbursts. Using the first direct numerical simulations of magneto-thermal evolution starting from a dynamo-generated magnetic field, we show that the low-field magnetars can be produced as a result of a Tayler--Spruit dynamo inside the proto-neutron star. We find that these simulations naturally explain key characteristics of low-field magnetars: (1) weak (≲1013 G) dipolar magnetic fields, (2) strong small-scale fields, and (3) magnetically induced crustal failures producing X-ray bursts. These findings suggest two distinct formation channels for classical and low-field magnetars, potentially linked to different dynamo mechanisms.
So! what does it all mean?
There are two thoughts on how Jets are formed.
One falling matter generates jet turbulence.
The core of the condensate produces dipolar electromagnetic fields that are expelled at close to the speed of light.

[Submitted on 28 Jan 2025]

Dipolar perturbations of nonbidiagonal black holes in bigravity​

David Brizuela, Marco de Cesare, Araceli Soler Oficial
In bimetric gravity, nonbidiagonal solutions describing a static, spherically symmetric, and asymptotically flat black hole are given by a pair of Schwarzschild geometries, one in each metric sector. The two geometries are linked by a nontrivial diffeomorphism, which can be fully determined analytically if the two geometries possess the same isometries. This exact solution depends on four free parameters: the mass parameters of the two black holes, the ratio between the areal radii of the two metrics, and the proportionality constant between their (appropriately normalized) time-translation invariance Killing vector fields. We study the dynamics of axial dipolar perturbations on such a background and obtain general analytical solutions for their evolution. We show that, in general, the characteristic curves followed by dipolar gravitational waves are spacelike with respect to both metrics, and thus the propagation is superluminal. In fact, the velocity of a pulse, as measured by a static observer, turns out to increase with the distance to the black hole. The only exception to this general behavior corresponds to the special case where the two proportionality constants linking the areal radii and the Killing vectors coincide, for which waves travel at the speed of light. Therefore, we conclude that this is the only physically reasonable background, and thus our results restrict the class of viable black-hole solutions in bimetric gravity.


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