I can't find the old Dr Who rumor thread, so I'll start a new one. ;-)
The big rumor I'm just absolutely thrilled about right now is that Doctor Who . . . IS COMING STATESIDE!!!! WOOOO!!!
The series opener for Season Six is a two-part Steven Moffatt story featuring River Song which will be filmed party in Utah. One might wonder why Utah, given that much of the state can be simulated with a gravel quarry, but frankly, if you want good, sweeping shots of Utah, you pretty much have to go there. It's got some very unique terrain and vegetation, and I'm very excited about it. It's being coproduced with BBC America, and should be a doozy. It's apparently set in the late 1960s. The Doctor receives some sort of top-secret summons, and ends up following a trail all the way to the Oval Office. That's all the Beeb is saying about it right now. BBC America did put together a cute little video of the TARDIS crashing into North America, albeit more in the vicinity of Texas. ;-)
The big rumor I'm just absolutely thrilled about right now is that Doctor Who . . . IS COMING STATESIDE!!!! WOOOO!!!
The series opener for Season Six is a two-part Steven Moffatt story featuring River Song which will be filmed party in Utah. One might wonder why Utah, given that much of the state can be simulated with a gravel quarry, but frankly, if you want good, sweeping shots of Utah, you pretty much have to go there. It's got some very unique terrain and vegetation, and I'm very excited about it. It's being coproduced with BBC America, and should be a doozy. It's apparently set in the late 1960s. The Doctor receives some sort of top-secret summons, and ends up following a trail all the way to the Oval Office. That's all the Beeb is saying about it right now. BBC America did put together a cute little video of the TARDIS crashing into North America, albeit more in the vicinity of Texas. ;-)