Doctor Who: Season Six Rumor Thread

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I can't find the old Dr Who rumor thread, so I'll start a new one. ;-)

The big rumor I'm just absolutely thrilled about right now is that Doctor Who . . . IS COMING STATESIDE!!!! WOOOO!!!

The series opener for Season Six is a two-part Steven Moffatt story featuring River Song which will be filmed party in Utah. One might wonder why Utah, given that much of the state can be simulated with a gravel quarry, but frankly, if you want good, sweeping shots of Utah, you pretty much have to go there. It's got some very unique terrain and vegetation, and I'm very excited about it. It's being coproduced with BBC America, and should be a doozy. It's apparently set in the late 1960s. The Doctor receives some sort of top-secret summons, and ends up following a trail all the way to the Oval Office. That's all the Beeb is saying about it right now. BBC America did put together a cute little video of the TARDIS crashing into North America, albeit more in the vicinity of Texas. ;-)


During the time that I spent in England, most of the people there seemed to think all Americans came from Texas. :lol:


I know a guy in Yorkshire. He demonstrated his American accent for me, and it was basically a Texan caricature. :D And, of course, our men all wear cowboy hats and our women all have big hair.

I wait with bated breath to see what they do with Americans in the new series. And what they do with the period; the late 1960s offer a lot of interesting possibilities, especially with shooting out in Utah.


Tantalizing tidbits from the upcoming Neil Gaiman episode:

Suranne Jones of Coronation Street fame has been cast as "Idris" -- though this may possibly be a pseudonym to keep fans off the scent of who she really is. Gaiman (who, it must be noted, has enjoyed messing with the fans previously and may not be entirely honest in these possible spoilers) indicated that she may actually be playing an established character with a new face -- perhaps another Time Lord? If so, there is a rather short list of female Time Lords that have been established, though what Gaiman actually said was that she "may be an old friend of the Doctor's with a new face", so she may be something other than what we all might be instantly hoping. (It would be very awesome if she were Romana.)

He also described Doctor Who as part of his "internal landscape" and said that part of the story was inspired by "The War Games", Patrick Troughton's epic 10-part swansong. Of course, that serial was so long and complex that this doesn't actually narrow it down all that much.


And just how many "Dr. Who Rumor" threads do there have to be? Isn't it time for one of our diligent Mods to merge this one into the other, far older thread where it should have gone in the first place?


CalliArcale":22zvni2j said:
I can't find the old Dr Who rumor thread, so I'll start a new one. ;-)

The big rumor I'm just absolutely thrilled about right now is that Doctor Who . . . IS COMING STATESIDE!!!! WOOOO!!!

The series opener for Season Six is a two-part Steven Moffatt story featuring River Song which will be filmed party in Utah. One might wonder why Utah, given that much of the state can be simulated with a gravel quarry, but frankly, if you want good, sweeping shots of Utah, you pretty much have to go there. It's got some very unique terrain and vegetation, and I'm very excited about it. It's being coproduced with BBC America, and should be a doozy. It's apparently set in the late 1960s. The Doctor receives some sort of top-secret summons, and ends up following a trail all the way to the Oval Office. That's all the Beeb is saying about it right now. BBC America did put together a cute little video of the TARDIS crashing into North America, albeit more in the vicinity of Texas. ;-)

I am very pleased to see the Return of River Song at the start of the new series. And Utah has some spectacular scenery.


My favourite American accent is the one used on top of the empire states building in the episode "The Chase" (William Hartnell)

To my mind, thats what you all sound like


Flynn! Woo Hoo, how ya doing!!!

(Yeah, I've heard that - that we all sound a bit like Jimmy Cagney)


Not too badly, work and parenting is keeping me pretty busy.

How's yourself?

I did look for the clip from the chase online but I can't find it. I've been watching some of the old William Hartnell episodes recently.


yevaud":3pbx6a73 said:
Flynn! Woo Hoo, how ya doing!!!

(Yeah, I've heard that - that we all sound a bit like Jimmy Cagney)

I would add a WB as well though I doubt flynn would know me. It was his thread inquiring into the procreative inclinations of a late shift worker that dragged me over the edge from lurker to poster. That thread may be gorn but it's not ferengotten. ;) In fact my avatar comes from that thread, after my more mundane one got poofed in one of the forum SW changes.


I remember you. Although my database of SDC members (just a few notes on people) was lost with my old lap top some names do spring out to me I can't remember why (in some cases).

Your pic gave you away as a member of the Gorn Appreciation Society straight away though


flynn":x7ufffql said:
Your pic gave you away as a member of the Gorn Appreciation Society straight away though

Ahhhh, the G.A.S. Fine group ! Indeed I was awarded the "rank" of Brigadier in the Advance Guard. Apparently word got around. I see people pointing at me and saying GASBAG all the time ...


flynn":2nhb0lv3 said:
Not too badly, work and parenting is keeping me pretty busy.

How's yourself?

I did look for the clip from the chase online but I can't find it. I've been watching some of the old William Hartnell episodes recently.

Not too bad. Survivin'.

For the clip, try - they have extensive links to most anything, including old Doctor Who episodes.


Matt Smith will be a guest on the Late Late Show with Chris Ferguson tonight, and reportedly the show will involve Daleks. From Twitter:
Tuesday(16) I am having a Dr Who special with @nerdist and Matt Smith. @jimmyfallon has Springsteen. #cbsisterrifiedofmycontemptforratings.

The show will be available online at this link, though I'm not sure how quickly they post episodes to the Web:

Meanwhile, although the BBC is trying to discourage fans from trying to find the shooting site out in Utah (which would be rather challenging; there's a hell of a lot of empty but highly photogenic landscape out there and it would be an easy place to hide even a very large film shoot), recording is scheduled to begin tomorrow and last through Friday. Utah will be giving up to a $30,000 rebate for filming in the state. The BBC is mostly concerned with spoilers, showing quite a bit more concern about them this time than they usually do -- hmmmm!


its definately an unusual move for the BBC to shoot in the USA, unless you count the TV film they did a few years back. They often shoot in the area where I live, south Wales.


Which they actually didn't film in the US -- firstly, it was produced by Universal, not the BBC, and secondly, it was filmed in Vancouver, BC. Had it turned into a series, it would've been interesting given how Vancouver was about 75% of sci-fi television of the 1990s. (Or at least, it felt like it was.) It seldom was presented as being Vancouver, though; usually it was standing in for the US. The Whovie used it as San Fransisco. Highlander: the Series used as what was presumably meant to be Seattle (they never named the series, but all the license plates were Washington state, not BC -- fans dubbed it "Seacouver") as well as anyplace that they could make work. X-Files used it as most of the United States. The Sentinel used it as the fictional city of Cascade. Stargate SG-1 used it as . . . pretty much everywhere in the universe, really. It would've been fitting to add Doctor Who to that, but it was not to be.

Second-unit filming (establishing shots, basically) was performed in San Fransisco, but none of the cast went there.

Similarly, in season three of the new Dr Who series, the two-parter "Daleks In Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks" was set in New York City. Second-unit filming was performed on location in New York, but none of the cast went overseas for it, and the bulk of the filming was done in Cardiff, Wales.


A few new details about the American opener:

* The location has been revealed to be Monument Valley. And yes, fans did ignore the BBC's requests to stay away and did turn up, with cameras in hand. ;-) No spoilers in these pics, though:

* The episode 7 cliffhanger will likely be a cruel one, really yanking our collective chains, and it will seemingly involve a massive revelation about River Song. Remember, she said that when he found out who she really was, it would change everything? From the Salt Lake City Tribune, this article discusses filming and how Moffatt is keeping his star in the dark in order to make his performance more authentic:

* On a slightly non-Who note, the new Torchwood series will be filming first in Cardiff and then moving to Los Angeles. This reminds me of another international coproduction, "Highlander: the Series", which filmed half in Vancouver and half in Paris. Once nice thing about that is that it does open up additional opportunities for location work.

* Before Season Six airs, we'll get the sixth Christmas special of the new Who. The title will be "The Christmas Carol", and it will be a futuristic take on the Dickens classic. Producer Piers Wegner talks about that and the new series:


Note to self: add Valley of the Gods to next year's Utah itinerary :D


It's supposed to be quite lovely! My paternal grandparents went through there on their last road trip before their health finally made such trips impractical, and they loved it.

SFX has pictures! I would not consider these to be spoilers, or at least they don't ruin anything you didn't already know (like who's traveling with the Doctor and that it's in Utah).

I like the vintage Jeep Wagoneer. My grandpa (the one who drove through Utah about ten years ago) had one just like it. He finally got rid of it around 2000; finding parts was becoming difficult. He wasn't a collector. He was just a stereotypical Scot (about 200 years removed) and much preferred repair to replacement. ;)
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