Question Does blue light have more mass than red light?

Mar 8, 2022
Does blue light have more mass than red light?

And does that mean the gravity that bends light also tends to separate it into a rainbow(s)?

As an aside i will say i think space is essentially zero energy (de-energized) light/EM.
No. EM radiation has no mass. And no matter. EM propagates at constant ~c. I say ~c because c depends on the detector or absorber velocity. It is independent of emitter velocity.

This constant velocity contains 2 acceleration ramps, due to the density gradient of the propagation. Mass is not necessary for momentum, density provides momentum.

The blue light has a steeper ramp than the red. It accelerates quicker in a given time than red.

Gravity does not bend light. But a rarefied particulate density gradient will bow it. The sun's invisible particle atmosphere of which galaxies also have, is what bends the light.

Gravity is a dipole property and only effects other dipoles.

Mass is a property of matter, not an entity. Matter is a constant amount. But this constant amount, e, can be charged(angular acceleration) to different values of mass......inertia. Only certain values of inertia are stable.

Energy is also a property of e. Everything comes from e. This cosmos is e. e is all there is. e is the only structure in existence.

Stars break matter down into singular e. And accelerate it thru out space. By now, there is probably more singular e than dipole e in this universe.
Jan 2, 2024
Gravity warps space. EMR follows the shortest path. Radio to Gamma is all on the same track I expect.
No mass but has energy. Hmm. E=MC^2 refers to 'rest mass' apparently.
Yes, gravity is a warping of space. All things follow the warpage the same regardless of mass. Gallileo showed this 500 years ago.
However, if each mass has an equal charge on it and they are all flying transverse to a magnetic field, they will all be accelerated sideways differently depending on their inertia (mass). This is how isotopes are separated.
A blue photon has more energy than a red one. Because of this, it has more momentum. As momentum is a function of speed times mass, and speed is fixed, then a blue photon must contain more mass than a red one. We are not talking about "matter", which is a specific form of mass. This is energy which has just as much mass as the matter it was made from. Mass is always conserved. Matter and energy swap places all the time. No change in mass.
Mar 8, 2022
Would a quantity of nucleons as noble gas have less total mass than an equal quantity of nucleons that had stored chemical energy in their bondings?

If so then resting energy would seem to have mass.
Yes, resting energy has mass. Everything has mass. Einstein developed a set of field equations. Many, many equations strung together like a freight train. In the end he figured out that every "thing" has mass, thus gravity. He has stuff in there like charge and kinetic energy, photons, any field, any particle, any energy, any thing. Find a new one and they'll add it to the field equations.
It would be possible, for example, to put enough light in a box such that it became a black hole.

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