Always interesting to see Earth images from a distance

"The imagery was captured fro roughly 1.25 million miles (2 million kilometers) away, using Hera's HyperScout H hyperspectral imager."
I looked at updated stats for this exoplanet site,, 7344 confirmed now. Finding Earth 2.0 out there is more much more difficult, and so far remains unconfirmed, including ET phoning home
5242 of these exoplanets have orbital periods 370 days or less so close to Earth type orbit periods or much shorter periods. Most are big and orbit closer, average mass about 4.32 Jupiter masses. Looking at exoplanets with > 370 day periods, 821 I could find. Big exos out there, average about 13 Jupiter masses. It is good we can see our Earth from so far away and confirm there could be life on it too