Earth's 'evil twin' Venus may have mirrored our planet more than expected

Interesting formation history of the smaller of the two largest venusian tesserae regions, implying they are both craton analogs.

the stagnant lid model that exists today.
The new squishy lid model is more supportive of Venus reflecting a pre-plate tectonic regime:
They find that although Venusian crust has a similar general thickness to Earth’s crust, the thickness varies across the planet; coronae in particular typically form on areas of thin lithosphere. As a result, heat flow differs globally. However, Venus loses more radiogenic heat than Earth overall, at rates comparable to areas of highest heat loss on Earth. The findings support the idea that Venus loses radiogenic heat via abundant intrusive magmatism – the so called ‘squishy lid’ model – implying that Venus may reflect the Archaean Earth before plate tectonics evolved.
Apr 17, 2024
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