El Nino is officially here and may cause temperature spikes and major weather events, scientists warn

With CO2 at record levels we can expect an acceleration of records being broken - including for the economic costs of climate related impacts. We really need to get a lot more serious about reducing emissions and building the foundations for economic growth that is not dangerously dependent on fossil fuels - before those impacts diminish our economies and our capacity to invest at large scale and in new and cleaner tech.

On the positive side - and despite the bad mouthing by irresponsible denial polticicking - that new and cleaner tech is going from strength to strength. Eg Europe and Australia enjoying lower power prices for their renewables in the face of fossil fuel unreliability and up-yours profiteering and price volatility, strong global EV sales growth, mega solar panel factories in the pipe, hard to count numbers of battery factories for different kinds of batteries, including eg Toyota for a >900 km range/10 min charge EV within 4 years.

Despite the views often found within this forum I expect most Space.com readers appreciate the true significance of the climate problem and want to be informed. Thanks.
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Jul 6, 2023
Despite all the “climate” handwringing, there IS no proof to support man made climate change. Weather is cyclical based on solar activity and always has been. How arrogant of us humans to actually believe we have any effect on global weather. This planet has obviously been through massive disasters occurring over its history and it always recovers. The climate change environmentalists’ mandates will do nothing but waste massive amounts of money and time with NO discernible positive effects. Even the founder of Greenpeace has recently said that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas and we should not be trying to put caps on it. Trees need it to create oxygen! Good grief.
Jul 16, 2023
In the above article (paragraph 3) you indicated that a 0.5°C implied a 32.9°F change.

In fact a 0.5°C change is a 0.9°F change

0°C = 32°F
0.5°C = 32.9°F

Thank you,

Christopher Juste

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