Elon Musk has done it again

  • Thread starter spacelifejunkie
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Elon Musk at SpaceX has just announced their plans for the Falcon 9. In their heavy lift configuration they are planning on lifting 55,000 lbs to LEO for only $35 million. That's less than $650/lb!!! This guy could be creating a revolution in space access. He's blowing away the competition and his vision doesn't stop at LEO. Moon and Mars colonization are on his agenda as well. The Falcon 1 spacecraft is scheduled for its first flight in 3 weeks. The Falcon 5 in about 2 years and more information on the Falcon 9 will be released next year. I love to see visionaries with some technical skill and business savvy. A rare combination that is much needed (not to mention a billion dollar personal fortune!) that can lead the world to space.<br /><br />SLJ <br /><br />http://www.spacedaily.com/news/rocketscience-05zzc.html
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