Embarking on a 4 Yr Mapping of Our Solar System Project

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Embarking on a 4 Yr Mapping Our Solar System Project<br /><br />Im considering doing a long-term project (4 yrs) to map our planets and derive the formula's to calculate each planets position. I know there is software out there to give u the coordinates. That doesn't matter!<br /><br />My high school science project will be to do the algorithms and formulaes to calculate their positions at any given time.<br /><br />I am now in the thinking and planning process. I need some input on a decent scope to be able to map and view our planets. I also would like to know if there are any available instruments that can measure the distances by using light waves and time? I also plan to use local observatories and get some guidance with a University of Alabama at Huntsville (astrophysics) professor. He has agreed to assist with me will be my primary mentor.<br /><br />Maybe I will have to triangulate to each one and calculate that way. I know this sounds very tough. But this elliptical solar system and the planets can and have been done. Like I say, this may be my Science project the next 4 yrs. I plan to enter either the Earth, Space, and Science category or the Mathematical and Engineering Divisions.<br /><br />Below is a list of concerns. Please help me with all the input u can!<br /><br />1. Purchase a decent scope with computer laptop software. Would like to have the camera options to record my time and pictures.<br /><br />2. I am considering a Team of one more student. Possibly involving another one as an assistant in another place like India or Egypt as my partner for observations and helping with the triangulations. We could communicate with emails if there language is Arabic or English (India). Is this a good idea? Will it help to have a dedicated assistant?<br /><br />3. Is there any spectroscope or any kind of instruments that can measure distance 2 objects (like measuring light waves signals)? Are they affordable? There are some great devices in government a


I'd post this in the "Ask The Astronomer" forum. There's already two recent/ongoing threads on this subject there. People will be more than happy to give you their advice on this. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>
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